Menu Monday – 24 OCT 11 – Daniel Fast Week 3

Menu Monday

Menu for the week of 24 October 2011

The “rules” of our household diet can be found in the tab above labeled Hallee’s Galley and further explained in Our Diet.

I usually serve leftovers for lunch the next day, or we’ll save them during the week to graze lunch on the weekends. One meal a week, we eat whatever we want. This is usually our “Dinner Out” meal.

Almost all of the breads are homemade using fresh milled flour.  I’ll continue to link to my recipes as I post them.  Our daily bread is Whole Wheat Honey Oatmeal Bread.

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of October 24th.  I have some pumpkin leftover from my Winter Squash Stuffed with Wild Rice, Dried Cherries, and Roasted Pecans (the recipe will go up this week), and the boys are begging me to make pumpkin cookies.

Our church is currently observing 40 days of fasting, and Gregg and I decided that we would do a Daniel Fast.  For the next few weeks, you will see a “vegan extreme” diet.  We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor eating leavened bread.  Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however.  The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.

For breakfast, we are making a juice in our juicer out of kale, carrots, apples, and fresh ginger root.  Several good juice recipes can be found here.  I’ve also been making smoothies out of mango, fresh pineapple, bananas, oatmeal, flax seed, and coconut milk.  We drink one or both of them for our breakfast.

For lunches, we will be eating hummus with fresh vegetables, avocado and salsa in Ezekiell 4:9 tortillas (the only tortillas I could find with nothing in them but grains), salads, or something like unsweetened peanut butter and bananas with tortillas.

I pray that by sharing our journey with you, you will receiving a blessing from it.




The kids will be getting beef bacon, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit


Hearty 16-Bean Soup (with no smoked turkey leg), garden salad



breakfast at McDonalds with the church youth group


grilled eggplant, Mushroom & Barley Risotto (recipe to follow), , roasted asparagus, garden salad



the kids will be getting corned beef hash, fried eggs, and fresh fruit


Jen’s Crockpot Ratatouille (recipe to follow), garden salad



the kids will be having Old Fashioned Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes, turkey sausage, and fresh fruit


Whole Grain Spaghetti with Beets and Greens (recipe to follow), garden salad



the kids will be having Stuffed French Toast


Pinto Beans, Collard Greens (method to follow), Family Fit Fried Potatoes,



cold cereal


Trunk or Treat at Church — dinner out with family



The kids will be having scrambled eggs, toast, and fresh fruit


Small group in our home.  I provide a soup and everyone else provides sandwiches, salads, breads.  I’ll be making Garbanzos and Fennel Stew (recipe to follow)


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