Category: Marriage

Love Is…

I don’t just write romance novels. I write Christian romance novels. So, my stories have to go beyond the “typical” romance novel and focus on two major points of love: Eros, which is the Greek term for romantic love; and Agape, which is the Greek term for the perfect love of God.

How important is love?

1 Corinthians 13 informs us that without love, we are nothing and have nothing. We can have faith to move mountains or knowledge of all things in the universe but without love, we are nothing. We can spend our very lives in service and sacrifice but without love, it isn’t useful or profitable. The remainder of the chapter informs us very accurately about the nature of love.

When I write, I have to have the romantic arc – the romantic story between the male protagonist and the female protagonist. And, I also have to write on the spiritual arc – the love the two main characters have or learn to have for God. In this genre, if you leave out one of those arcs, you pretty much have an incomplete story.

The more I delve into writing about love – about eros and agape love, the more the two intertwine…

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Snakebook and other Human Distancers

In our fallen world, my duties are pretty clear as the male half of the Biblical ONE that is our holy state of matrimony. I am to follow the “three P’s” principle to act as high Priest of my home, Provide for my home, and Protect my home and loved ones. That is what the Bible requires of husbands and fathers.

If you read the third Chapter of Genesis, you will discover the very often overlooked fact that Adam was standing right next to his wife the entire time the serpent tempted her…

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30 Days of Thankfulness Day 23

I started this blog on a whim. I woke up one morning having no idea what a homemaking blog even was, and went to bed that night having written my first post. It has been an incredible 4-year journey. Through this blog I’ve learned, I’ve opened up, I’ve searched inside of myself, and I’ve made many friends. More so, I’ve grown closer daily to God by having a ministry so focused on Him that when I sit down at my computer, He is sitting right next to me.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 11

I am so proud of the military legacy of my family. I pray that my sons continue it, and continue to fight for and stand for America. Here is my annual “What Veteran’ Day Means to Me” posting of the honor of my family’s service to our country:


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 2

Despite the fact that neither one of us were looking for a relationship when we met, within a day of meeting Gregg in person, he and I were talking about marriage. Forget the fact that I was recently separated from my husband of nearly 10 years, forget the fact that it was 3 short months after 9/11 and Gregg was in a Special Forces unit about to deploy, forget the fact that he lived 354 miles away from my house — we KNEW we would be married.


My Real Life ‘Love at First Sight’ Story

I’m not kidding. I was married, recently separated, and absolutely exhausted. But talking with this beautiful, brilliant man about marriage was the most natural thing in the world. Until that moment in time, I would have said that “love at first sight” was something romance writers like me just used as a plot launch. I would never, ever have believed it to be a real “thing”. But I can tell you in all honesty right now, I fell in love with Gregg the moment we met, and that love has done nothing but multiply over the years.

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A Reminder

An opportunity for a part time job recently came across my radar. (About which a friend said to me, “Why? Because you aren’t busy enough?) I considered it not because I need a job nor because I’m looking for work. I considered it because it sounded like fun. It would be easy, part time work. The kind of thing that would be a dream to a mom who had kids in school and who didn’t really need to earn a lot of money.


An Inspiration

“You and your husband are such an inspiration to me.”

I said, “Inspiration?”

“Oh yes,” she said. “I just love watching you two. You fill my heart with such love and joy.”

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Finding Balance

I started typing the words, “I’m a homemaker…” when I realized that wasn’t right. Well, it IS right, it just isn’t complete. For the first time in my life, I wrote the words, “I’m a full time writer who manages two blogs and writes Christian romance novels.”

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