My Schedule







momMy Daily Schedule:

I often have people ask me, “How do you do it?” Meaning, how do you accomplish what you accomplish on a given day?

My answer is very simple: schedule.

I worked for 12 years for a commercial general contractor. This was/is a busy office, and I juggled a dozen different hats working as their office manager. On top of that, I had a child, a busy church life, a well-managed home, and I was a member and oftentimes officer of several professional organizations. For a while I was married to a drug addict, so I might as well have been a single mom with 2 kids. We divorced and I became a single mom with one kid, but never faltered in any of duties/obligations/responsibilities. I married Gregg and he deployed to Afghanistan, so again, single mom who brought home the bacon, cooked it in a perfectly clean house, and made her own bread.

When my son Scott was born, I quit my job. Gregg and I both wholeheartedly agree that my rightful place is running our home from our home and not from an outside job that takes away 40-60 hours a week.

I thought I’d be able to take on the world. After all, I’d done it before with this job and these organizations, and here I was with all of this extra time on my hands.

About three months into it, as I stood there unshowered for the last three days in a filthy house with piles of laundry and pizza ordered for dinner, a nursing baby, a 5th grader, and a traveling husband, I almost threw in the towel. I felt like I did years and years before when I quit smoking and gained a lot of weight. “Maybe if I start smoking again, I’ll lose the weight.” Instead this time it was, “Maybe if I get a job, I can get control of my life back.”

I realized that the way I managed my life before was through simple scheduling. I did it then automatically, because my life required it. I now needed to do it intentionally.

The first thing I did was create a list detailing the chores that should be done daily, weekly, and monthly. I also made a list of the laundry that needed to be done in a week’s time. I then broke the chores out, evenly spacing them.  Here is what that looks like:  Weekly Chore/Laundry List.

I’ve also created a daily schedule page so that you can see how I work my day during the work week. I hope they can be useful tools for you to be able to create your own schedules.


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