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My Daily Schedule:
I often have people ask me, “How do you do it?” Meaning, how do you accomplish what you accomplish on a given day?
My answer is very simple: schedule.
I worked for 12 years for a commercial general contractor. This was/is a busy office, and I juggled a dozen different hats working as their office manager. On top of that, I had a child, a busy church life, a well-managed home, and I was a member and oftentimes officer of several professional organizations. For a while I was married to a drug addict, so I might as well have been a single mom with 2 kids. We divorced and I became a single mom with one kid, but never faltered in any of duties/obligations/responsibilities. I married Gregg and he deployed to Afghanistan, so again, single mom who brought home the bacon, cooked it in a perfectly clean house, and made her own bread.
When my son Scott was born, I quit my job. Gregg and I both wholeheartedly agree that my rightful place is running our home from our home and not from an outside job that takes away 40-60 hours a week.
I thought I’d be able to take on the world. After all, I’d done it before with this job and these organizations, and here I was with all of this extra time on my hands.
About three months into it, as I stood there unshowered for the last three days in a filthy house with piles of laundry and pizza ordered for dinner, a nursing baby, a 5th grader, and a traveling husband, I almost threw in the towel. I felt like I did years and years before when I quit smoking and gained a lot of weight. “Maybe if I start smoking again, I’ll lose the weight.” Instead this time it was, “Maybe if I get a job, I can get control of my life back.”
I realized that the way I managed my life before was through simple scheduling. I did it then automatically, because my life required it. I now needed to do it intentionally.
The first thing I did was create a list detailing the chores that should be done daily, weekly, and monthly. I also made a list of the laundry that needed to be done in a week’s time. I then broke the chores out, evenly spacing them. Here is what that looks like: Weekly Chore/Laundry List.
I’ve also created a daily schedule page so that you can see how I work my day during the work week. I hope they can be useful tools for you to be able to create your own schedules.
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I live by routine/schedule as well!
okay my dear friend…I need you to make me a schedule and a dinner menu….one that will fit in to my work 4-10 hour days have church on Wednesday, at church all day on Sunday and have to get 3 girls at 3 different times and days to and from gymnastics schedule…if anyone can do it I KNOW you can….or at least help me come up with one…thanks love ya <3
Wow you are very organized! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your routines with us!
I’m sitting down today and organizing all the lists I’ve made in the past few weeks. I’m hoping to make a clear daily schedule and work out some cleaning routines. Your schedules will be a great help! :)
Wonderful! How exciting! When I first moved from Florida to Kentucky, I spent 2 weeks reworking my schedule and loved it. I still have my rough worksheets. I bought brand new markers to write out my new schedule. It was actually exciting to me, which probably explains the level of Geek I am. :)
I want to eventually make a pretty calendar to hang but for now paper & markers it is! They’ll be taped to my cabinet doors.
I’ve realized in the past few weeks that housework isn’t as scary when you don’t have to chase little ones around while you’re doing it. It’s really not *that* much. My problem is laundry. If I can just learn to put the laundry away, our lives would be so much smoother.
I’ve learned a little at time, goes a long way!
Now let’s just hope I feel this confident when the boys get home from GramMomma’s! :)
I would have been interested in seeing what your schedule was like when you were working. I have one, but it’s a little hard to make it work when you have about four hours worth of items to do each night and only about 2 1/2 hours between when you get home and bedtime. And that’s after I’ve cut items from the list to try to make it more manageable. :( And we don’t even have children! I can’t imagine how mothers who work outside the home hold it all together!
My hours were 8-5, M-F. It wasn’t unheard of for me to work 7:30-5:30, but I had Kaylee who had to get to school, and who had to be picked up from daycare by 6. My typical week was as follows:
4:30 wake up. Write.
6:00 – make breakfast, make lunnches, prep dinner
7:00 – leave the house
6:15-6:30 – arrive home
6:30 – finish making dinner
8:00 – start prepping Kaylee for bed with bath, books, bed
clean the kitchen, straighten the house, go to bed by 10:00
Saturday morning – grocery shopping. Home by 9AM
Saturday afternoon – clean the house, top to bottom. Do laundry. I usually finished the house and the laundry by about 5:00 PM
Sunday – church, nap, church, bed by 9:00
Sunday afternoon was my only down time. Now my schedule has allowed all day Saturday to be a down time.
I just found your site today…
I quit my teaching job back in June to stay home with my two children. I thought the very same thing… part of me wishes I would of seen this post back then :) maybe it wouldn’t of taken 6 months to adjust. Now I love being at home and have come up with a routine that works for us!! Although the park is always a good reason to throw out the schedule.
I just accept that summer months won’t come with a schedule (kidding) (mostly).