Category: Raising boys

Today’s Meltdown Brought to You By…

All week long, I’ve prepared Scott for the inevitable fact that he will wear a shirt and tie to school today. All week long he’s informed me that he will NOT wear a shirt and tie to school today.

This morning, I allowed 15 extra minutes and got out the clothes from which I would allow him to choose and he melted down. Clothes went everywhere. Tears fell. Beds were kicked. Pillows thrown. Choices given.

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The “A” Word

Yesterday, on my main Facebook and on my Hallee the Homemaker Facebook, I posted this:

Ode to the mother of the autistic child who’s had every schedule in his life obliterated by the Christmas holiday and a continuous succession of snow days…

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30 Days of Thankfulness Day 5

At 5, Jeb is our absolute joy. I don’t say that to take anything away from our other children, but Jeb is just…joy. He is highly emotional and has a happy nature, which means he is almost always just bubbling over with happiness. A friend at church says often that she wishes she could capture his laugh and just have it throughout her day.

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30 Days of Thankfulness Day 4

At 7, Scott is our middle child. He is also our miracle.

Born at 30 weeks, weighing in at 3 lbs. 5 oz., Scott is a testimony of God’s amazing grace, and the power of prayer. There should be a dozen things wrong with him, from poor eyesight to breathing issues. As it is, he is perfectly and wonderfully healthy as any 7-year-old boy out there.

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This Summer’s Viewing Schedule

I’m not strict about turning things off on Saturdays. They don’t have time to do a lot during the school week, and on Sundays we only watch shows that are about God or The Bible. So, I tend to give them free reign on Saturdays. As summer approached, it became clear to me that the boys were anticipating every day during summer being like Saturdays. I realized I had to quell those thoughts.

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End of the Year Update

I was really upset about this email, because Scott turns 7 in July. We purposefully red-shirted him and started him in Kindergarten when was already 6. What I read when I read this was that they were considering retention. I said something to a friend who has a middle schooler with Aspergers, and she said, “Call and ARC meeting.”

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Responsibility & Other ‘R’ Words

This guy didn’t fit in there. His hair was too long, his clothes were too wrong, and his attitude didn’t fit. I blew him off, and I guess he didn’t like it. At some point, somehow, he cornered me and dragged me into an empty room.

And he raped me.

I’ll spare you the horrific details. At some point, he choked me. Years later I realized that I passed out for a space of time. When I could breathe again, I thought he’d kill me, but something stopped him. I had bruises on my neck for days and wore every turtle necked sweater I owned in an attempt to hide them.

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Pinkalicious, Head Injuries, Romance Writers & Teen Drivers

His pediatrician looked at him and did not like the way he acted or looked, so he sent us to the ER for a CT scan. About 5 minutes after I got there (our doctor had called ahead and immediately triaged him and put us in a room), Gregg arrived from his office, and about 5 minutes later, our pastor arrived. He annointed Scott with oil and prayed over him. (I love our pastor.) Scott was a trooper during the CT scan, even though he was scared. The results were clear – no bleeding on the brain — but he definitely has a concussion.

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Smarties Airplanes

When I asked Scott what kind of Valentine he wanted for his class party this year, he said he wanted to make a Valentine. I was so happy about that, because I’m all about homemade when I can.

Because I’m making Valentine’s for boys, and not girls, I had a bit of a challenge. So many of the crafts are very feminine – and that just wouldn’t be as much fun for them. I settled on a Smartie Airplane.

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Not Celebrating Halloween Isn’t as Easy as You Think

We don’t “celebrate” or “observe” Halloween in any respect in our family. We do not believe that Christian-izing any pagan holiday or traditions glorify God in any way. There was a time when we thought we could mix the two, but now we just don’t feel like we can and have it be pleasing to God.

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