Author: Hallee

wife, mother, woman of God, writer

Time To Say Goodbye

Ever since he’s been home I’ve struggled with keeping this blog up. I wanted to stop blogging right after he came home, but I kept at it. I wrote about real food, a Biblical diet, parenting, marriage, romance, life. I connected with readers and loved them and poured my life out to them in an effort to have some sort of positive impact on their lives. In the last year, I’ve written about parenting a son on the autism spectrum and living life with a daughter old enough to date.

It’s time to say goodbye.


Temperance’s Trial is Now Available for Pre-Order!

Part 1 of the Virtues and Valor series will release on September 15th! Pre-order it on Amazon by clicking this link today!

The Third Riech Seeks to Extract the Information She Alone Knows

MARIE GILBERT and her elder brother flee from Vichy France after the Gestapo arrest her father for suspicion of aiding Jewish children to escape the oncoming fascist front. Once in London, Marie is recruited into an experimental all female cohort dubbed the Virtues, a collection of seven extraordinary women with highly specialized skills.


Today’s Word of Promise

I’m focusing today on the verb “IS”. Do you know what “IS” is? Well, sure, it’s a lot of things. But for this specific post, it’s SINGULAR. That’s right, the verses do not say that the fruits of the Spirit are. What they say is that the fruit of the Spirit is. That means that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you can count on a well of love, joy, peace, longsuffering (read: patience), goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.



I have to say — that angers me.

To start with, there’s nothing ‘freeing’ about strangling yourself with a belt. In fact, as far as I know, there’s only one true freedom:

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36

Mother Theresa said this herself:

There is such terrible darkness within me, as if everything was dead… I do not know how deeper will this trial go—how much pain and suffering it will bring to me. This does not worry me any more. I leave this to Him as I leave everything else. Let Him do with me whatever He wants as He wants for as long as He wants if my darkness is light to some soul…

I’m not making light of depression. I’m not disqualifying emotions, chemical imbalances, or anything of that sort. What I’m saying is that Robin Williams was a man who lived his life with a gift that he used to bring joy to others suffered so much that he felt he could no longer live another second in this world, and in that horrible way of social media his death is being glorified and touted as “freedom”.


Celebrate Romance with My Most Romantic Book Yet!

Looking through all 8 of my published romance novels, I believe that my most romantic is An Aria for Nick. Nick is such a deep character who has suffered so much in life that you just find yourself rooting for Aria and him to be together so that maybe some of his demons will quiet. As a reviewer said, the romance is sigh-worthy. So, to celebrate Romance Awareness Month, I put An Aria for Nick on sale for just $0.99. That’s a $4 savings.


No More Candy for This One?

Dear world: It isn’t misbehaving. It isn’t hyperactivity. It isn’t too much candy. Or too much soda. Or too little discipline.

It’s called coping.

It’s called an autistic brain coping with this incompatible world the best way that it can.

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The Power of Marketing

The day we got to Quantico, I took the boys to the commissary. Up one aisle and down the other, I heard a running stream of commercials from Scott.

“Ants are hard to kill. Raid kills bugs dead. It’s a family company.”

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