Category: Hallee’s Galley
Almost certainly, whenever we explain our choice to follow a Biblical diet, someone brings up Peter’s vision. However, this vision has nothing to do with food. In fact, Peter himself knew that. While he was having this vision, Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian regiment, had a delegation on their way to where Peter was staying. These were not Jews, and it was unlawful for a Jew to “keep company with” someone who was not Jewish. However, these men explained that an angel of the Lord told Cornelius to send for Peter. So, he put the men up for the night, and the next day went with them to see Cornelius.
This week is my favorite week of the year! We’ll be celebrating Passover AND Resurrection Sunday!
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of April 7th. As far as desserts go, I have Doodle Roo’s Snickerdoodles in the oven, and I will be making Tiramisu Wednesday night.
Pin ItMy typical reader is a believing woman between the ages of 25 and 40 who cares about the food she eats and serves her family, focusing on real ingredients—possibly organic, local, and seasonal food. She has begun to realize there is a point where food meets faith and is willing to go exploring in that neighborhood.
I have an extensive travel schedule lined up for this year. It started about two weeks ago, and will continue until the end of October. At one point, there will be an entire month that I’m away from home (although, thankfully it will be summer time so my family will be with me.)
In the past, once the growing season really kicked in, I would spend time in the garden every day, weeding, tending plants, etc. When the harvest started coming in, I’d preserve by drying, freezing, or canning…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
This morning, my boys asked for green eggs for breakfast. Since we just observed the shared birthday of Dr. Seuss and myself, the whole green egg concept isn’t strange to them.
Pin ItIt’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a cookbook!
Move over men of steel! Make room mutants, aliens, and chemically or radioactively enhanced rescuers! Prepare to assemble your spatulas and get your “Flame on!” while the heroic Hallee the Homemaker™ (whose secret identity is Christian author and blogger Hallee Bridgeman) swings into action and shows her mettle with her third title in the Hallee’s Galley parody cookbook series.
Pin ItI cook dinner for my church family on Wednesday nights. This last week, I had cherry pie on the menu for dessert. When I started baking Wednesday morning, I realized that I didn’t have any aluminum pie tins, and I only own two glass pie plates. Having no desire to venture out to the store, I improvised and made a square pie.
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