FarmLit Anyone?

RV-200x300Over on my author blog, I’ve just interviewed Valerie Comer, who is an author who writes Christian romances in the subgenre of what is called FarmLit.  Here is part of the interview:

Who do you envision your typical reader to be?

My typical reader is a believing woman between the ages of 25 and 40 who cares about the food she eats and serves her family, focusing on real ingredients—possibly organic, local, and seasonal food. She has begun to realize there is a point where food meets faith and is willing to go exploring in that neighborhood.

What is your inspiration for writing?

I’m very passionate about food and distraught about the prevalence of junk food, GM (genetically modified) food, and obesity. My kids are equally passionate and determined to raise their little ones on the healthiest possible fare.

To that end we live on a 40-acre farm, where our son’s family has recently joined us. Our daughter’s family lives about 85 miles away, but also partially depends on produce from our farm.  We grow and preserve a large garden, raise animals for eggs and meat, keep bees for honey, and grow a variety of nuts and fruit.

Wild Mint Tea 200x300They say to write what you know. I know farming and food. I know there are many young people concerned about the environment and food, and I have a deep conviction to write stories exploring these topics from a Christian point of view.

Because her typical reader pretty much sums up the Hallee the Homemaker audience, I wanted to include you in the giveaway.  Please go to this link to read the entire interview.  I’ve also included the Rafflecopter on this post so that you can participate in the giveaway.

Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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