Day |
Task |
Laundry |
aily | 3Chores You Should Do Every Morning
Empty Dishwasher 3Chores You Should Do Every Evening Dishes/SweepKitchen/Take Out Garbage I also sweep living room daily.
Thursday | KITCHEN
Friday | BOYS’ ROOM
Saturday | OUTSIDE
I think this is the 3rd time I have seen this list and I STILL have a hard time wrapping my head around it. EEK! It seems like so much, yet really, given the breakdown of the week I think it’s entirely feasible. I am gonna try this starting Wednesday! Thanks Hallee!
Meg – it is SO manageable. And the best part is that my house gets deep cleaned once a week! By lunch, I’m done with my day’s laundry and chores – the rest of the day is gravy time. I’m lazy enough to need a schedule that allows that! (I know my schedule doesn’t look like I’m lazy, but my preference would be to lounge around all day and play online – lol – I have to motivate myself to do anything but write, and I even tend to have lazy tendencies there.)
I love the details! You truly have this down to a science!!
I never had a schedule until my third child was born. Now with three kids under 4 including a nursing baby, I have to be much more efficient with my time! I too broke down the house into ‘zones’ but it didn’t occur to me to have specific details like you have here!
Thank you for sharing it! :) I may just have to print it out!
All I can say is WOW! I dont think I could ever accomplish this! My house is total chaos at all times!!
You are organized. This inspires me to do better.
very informative and cool blog. I heard about yours through kelly the kitchen kop.
Have a blessed day!
Do you ever take a day off? Like maybe you spend more time with your kids one day. Or you had a bad night and you nap when the baby naps? I need to know you are a real person and not perfect.
I could try something like this. And maybe I could make it work. But I nap when my baby naps in the morning, b/c if I don’t I’m not a good mom in the afternoon. And we have a busy social schedule. Me and the baby:) Although I hear this changes when you have two, it’s not as easy to get out, and daytime naps are a thing of the past.
I take Saturdays and Sundays off. During the week, Wednesdays are chore free because of cooking.
Last week, my kids were sick on Wednesday and Thursday I felt like someone had pulled my plug. As such, I still have the laundry from those two days in a pile to fold and I didn’t get my kitchen scrubbed until Saturday.
The good thing about my schedule is that I do such a thorough job of cleaning that if all I have time or energy for is a quick run through with a vacuum and a broom, then that’s okay. If I don’t get reds washed this week, that’s okay. If I wake up to dirty dishes every once in a while, then that’s almost okay, too. I’m very easy on myself when I miss a day or a load or a chore.
My schedule is my guideline. It makes the daunting task of running this household not so daunting. It puts everything into a little box and says, “Okay, today you just have to open this box, and that’s easy.” And it works for me. I tried last month doing a top to bottom cleaning twice a week and laundry all in one day and that so did not work for me. Spreading it out like this is where I found my niche in managing everything.
I would have a window of about 3 hours free during the day if I didn’t take that time to spend it with my husband during his evening/night. I could nap (and do when I have to.) I could get a sitter and run errands. I could let the kids nap in their stroller at the mall. My window of free time is gladly spent in quality time with my husband. I won’t know what to do with those 3 hours when he’s home and working a normal job!
It’s not as easy to get out. But it’s not as hard as people make it out to be, either.
Hello there!
I realize this is an older post. My cleaning schedule is very similar to yours (and I’ll be starting homeschool this fall as well). I was just wondering how long it takes you to do your zone cleaning each day? And do you slot your monthly and seasonal chores into this schedule as well?
I also wanted to say that I love that you have a day scheduled for outside as well. This is one area of our home that is desperately neglected (my kids are 5,3, and 1, so I find it challenging to get yard work done), but I can see how much more manageable it would be if I simply scheduled it as a zone, just as I do with my inside chores.
I noticed on Fridays you go through ads and coupons. Do you make your menu for the next week based on coupons and sales you find? Also, when do you actually do your shopping?
I do most of my grocery shopping every 3-4 months in bulk. I plan a whole day’s shopping at the commissary, which is a little over 2 hours away. That’s where I use the coupons.
I shop the ads for produce on sale and see if it’s worth purchasing at the grocery store compared to the fruit stand that’s in walking distance to my house, and I look for meat that is on sale and compare it to commissary prices.
We incorporate the fruit stand into our walks, so I go there a couple times a week and buy most of my fresh produce there. Otherwise, I’ll run up to the store for the week’s dairy and some produce just at some point at the end of the week or during the weekend.
You said that you do most of your shopping every 3-4 months. I would love to do that. Could you give me an example of what you buy when you go. I am trying to make my trips to the grocery less often and appreciate my cellar more. I am a mother of two, working full time and going to school part time. I just want to be able to spend more time with my husband and my kids and less time driving to and from the grocery.
You clean your cat litter once a week??!! Cats urinate and defecate daily. While you’re cleaning the rest of your home, your cat is tracking their waste right behind you. All veterinarians recommend cleaning the cat box daily.
I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just surprised that with the amount of attention you give the rest of your home, you neglect the cat box so severely.
By clean, I mean I completely empty the litter and wash and clean the litter box. I clean it out as needed. My cat is indoor/outdoor. Sometimes it’s daily, sometimes it’s not.
I also clean the pee from my 3 & 5 year old boy’s regular misses off of the toilet, walls, and surrounding floor on a typically-more-than-once-daily basis, but I only clean the bathroom once a week as well.
I’m surprised no one not trying to be rude hasn’t asked me about that yet, knowing how much I talk about the boys.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. LOL, glad you wipe up the bathrooms frequently as well.
This is awesome good job! I just realized if I copy this I can paste it to my word document on my computer and customize it. Thanks!
That’s fantastic. I’m so happy that you can do that!
Thank you for this schedule. I am starting the Daniel Fast and being more organized is what I am hoping will be one of the outcomes, along with clarity and strategies to revive my writing career and promote a few books I’ve written.
With one child and a one-floor ranch home, I hope I can manage this schedule, fire my maid service and use that $$ to help pay down some credit cards!! :-)
When do you get up? :) Alli I love this schedule…
I used to do the whole house in 1 day – every Thursday. It was hard, but then I didn’t have as much to do all week and my house stayed immaculate. It was beautiful. I had time to enjoy life. That was BC – before child.
Then we adopted a child who has some medical issues. 4 Years later, my house is cluttered, and parts are dusty. I am constantly picking up, doing laundry, but feel I’m treading water and starting to drown. I’m in hell because a messy house gives me anxiety badly. I tried a schedule where you do certain things on certain days like you have above….but by the time I get to Thursday, all the stuff I did earlier in the week is already destroyed, dirty, disheveled by our son and our dog.
I wonder – is it best to start the week by cleaning the rooms least used? :-) Help!
I still pick up and do general straightening in rooms – just not cleaning. If you go through your house every evening and straighten, remove clutter, put toys/shoes/mail away, it will not be so overwhelming, and you’ll know in the middle of your day that at least the floor is cleaned under that day’s mess.