Category: Family

Snakebook and other Human Distancers

In our fallen world, my duties are pretty clear as the male half of the Biblical ONE that is our holy state of matrimony. I am to follow the “three P’s” principle to act as high Priest of my home, Provide for my home, and Protect my home and loved ones. That is what the Bible requires of husbands and fathers.

If you read the third Chapter of Genesis, you will discover the very often overlooked fact that Adam was standing right next to his wife the entire time the serpent tempted her…

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Christmas Travels

Gregg,  Kaylee,  and I are caravanning two cars down to Florida.  Traffic is mad and the weather is weird, so if you’re traveling this weekend ….


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 28

I *LOVE* having a time of year where everyone focuses on the things for which they’re thankful. I love feasts and family and gathering and traditions. I love that until just the last couple of years, Thanksgiving was just Thanksgiving and nothing commercial or corporate. I love that there are people who seek out ways to serve today, at soup kitchens and missions around the country. I love that the roads were full of travelers yesterday heading to homes and families.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 11

I am so proud of the military legacy of my family. I pray that my sons continue it, and continue to fight for and stand for America. Here is my annual “What Veteran’ Day Means to Me” posting of the honor of my family’s service to our country:


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 5

At 5, Jeb is our absolute joy. I don’t say that to take anything away from our other children, but Jeb is just…joy. He is highly emotional and has a happy nature, which means he is almost always just bubbling over with happiness. A friend at church says often that she wishes she could capture his laugh and just have it throughout her day.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 2

Despite the fact that neither one of us were looking for a relationship when we met, within a day of meeting Gregg in person, he and I were talking about marriage. Forget the fact that I was recently separated from my husband of nearly 10 years, forget the fact that it was 3 short months after 9/11 and Gregg was in a Special Forces unit about to deploy, forget the fact that he lived 354 miles away from my house — we KNEW we would be married.


Dear Hallee: Real Food & Visiting Family

I have really been trying to feed my family better. We’ve recently switched to mainly organic foods, when we can afford them. My question comes in an upcoming trip to visit family. We’ll be there around 3 nights and they don’t really eat the way we do. When you travel, how do you eat? Do you just eat what the host fixes, regardless of what’s in it? Do you take food and possibly offend the host? I’m stuck in the fact that I really don’t want to mess up our newly established eating habits, but I also don’t want to offend anybody either. Signed, Traveling Mama


Celebration of Life

That is where I am this weekend. I’m traveling today, and will be completely unplugged until probably Sunday. Gregg is home, though, and is monitoring email and blog stuff for me.


Pinkalicious, Head Injuries, Romance Writers & Teen Drivers

His pediatrician looked at him and did not like the way he acted or looked, so he sent us to the ER for a CT scan. About 5 minutes after I got there (our doctor had called ahead and immediately triaged him and put us in a room), Gregg arrived from his office, and about 5 minutes later, our pastor arrived. He annointed Scott with oil and prayed over him. (I love our pastor.) Scott was a trooper during the CT scan, even though he was scared. The results were clear – no bleeding on the brain — but he definitely has a concussion.

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