Category: Raising girls

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 3

Kaylee is one of the biggest blessings in my life.

I have often wondered “what if” — what if I went on to medical school, as was my plan (and my FULL college scholarship) instead of marrying her dad? What if? I never allow myself to consider any more, because the answer would always end the same: I wouldn’t have Kaylee.


Coming of Age

This is the first picture I ever posted of my Kaylee on this blog.
I’ve been blogging for over four years now, and it’s AMAZING the difference four years makes in the life of a child. From 12-16, there’s a transformation from little girl to young lady and such a gradual way that you have no idea that it’s happening. And yet, we go from this:
To this:
In less than 1600 days.


A Message to Teenaged Girls Out There

My initial first thought was, “Doesn’t she have a mother?”

Followed immediately by, “She’s been in school for 7 hours, and her butt cheek is still hanging out of her shorts?”

So, clearly, there’s a lack of adult guidance happening with this young woman, and many just like her. So, I’m going to step up and be the adult in your life. Here’s my public service message to you:


This Summer’s Viewing Schedule

I’m not strict about turning things off on Saturdays. They don’t have time to do a lot during the school week, and on Sundays we only watch shows that are about God or The Bible. So, I tend to give them free reign on Saturdays. As summer approached, it became clear to me that the boys were anticipating every day during summer being like Saturdays. I realized I had to quell those thoughts.


A Sweet Sixteen

A follower on my Hallee the Homemaker Facebook page asked me, during my hectic week last week, if I would blog about Kaylee’s birthday party and what I did. The problem is, during party planning, I get immensely busy and don’t stop to take pictures. I have this weird hangup that if I can’t take a picture, then I can’t blog about it because it’s almost like the picture validates what I’ve done. Silly, I know, but nevertheless…

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A New Phase: Dating

A new phase in our life: dating is about to begin.

I thought I would resist the notion. I assumed there would be some internal denial that this could be happening and that my daughter should not be old enough to go on a date with a boy. But, somehow, I’m kind of excited about this new tide. I’m excited for her. I’m not looking forward to heartbreak and tears, or the kind of pain that only a boy can bring. But I am looking forward to the stress of the right outfit for the right date, talking to her about life, and watching her continue to blossom into adulthood.


How is it 15?

My baby girl turns 15 today.

How did that happen?

Where have 15 years gone?

We are waiting to celebrate. Apparently, opening night of The Hunger Games has an appeal for a group of 15 year olds, and so we’re postponing her party until that day, when we’ll take a group of twittering, texting, giggling teenagers to the hottest movie of the Spring.

Instead we’ll have a quiet celebration at home, after volleyball practice and before homework begins. I’ll make Floating Hearts with Raspberry Sauce and Fabulous Supper Nachos and put the Happy Birthday tablecloth on our dining room table.

And I’ll ponder…how is she 15? How is she this beautiful, poised, amazing young woman? How have I raised such a wonderful creature? I am in awe of the woman she is becoming.

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