How is it 15?
My baby girl turns 15 today.
How did that happen?
Where have 15 years gone?
We are waiting to celebrate. Apparently, opening night of The Hunger Games has an appeal for a group of 15 year olds, and so we’re postponing her party until that day, when we’ll take a group of twittering, texting, giggling teenagers to the hottest movie of the Spring.
Instead we’ll have a quiet celebration at home, after volleyball practice and before homework begins. I’ll make Floating Hearts with Raspberry Sauce and Fabulous Supper Nachos and put the Happy Birthday tablecloth on our dining room table.
And I’ll ponder…how is she 15? How is she this beautiful, poised, amazing young woman? How have I raised such a wonderful creature? I am in awe of the woman she is becoming.
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oh my goodness does she have gorgeous eyes!
Happy Birthday to Kaylee! She seems to be a very poised young woman, which we need more of these days.