Month: March 2012
Yesterday, on the Focus on the Family blog, the post title was “What Do You Think About The Hunger Games?” It posed the question, “Would you permit your son or daughter to watch if they wanted to? Why – or why not?”
Pin ItDay 7: Your Favorite Movie
It is impossible for me to answer this question with just one movie. I’ve never been able to pinpoint “just one”. I love movies. I love really good movies with really clever dialogue and really great actors. I love fun action movies. I love thrillers that make you think. I love sagas. I love war movies.
So, here are a few that immediately came to mind and started warring with me as “favorite”: (and quite honestly, I’m curious about what might be revealed about my personality with this list – ha!)
Pin ItI have a bad habit.
I have a tendency to leave cleaning supplies in my wake.
I’ll clean a room, scrub it down, mop it, vacuum it, make it shine like new. And when I’m done, on one surface will be a bottle of furniture cleaner, on another a bottle of window cleaner (vinegar & water), and on tossed somewhere will be the rag I used to dust the furniture.
Pin ItFrom now until April 23rd, Sapphire Ice, Book 1 of the Jewel Trilogy, is available to you for the special introductory price of just $0.99!! That’s 80% off of the full retail price!
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of March 26th. As far as desserts go, I think we’re going to make some peanut butter cookies this afternoon, and maybe a chocolate cream pie in the middle of the week.
Today is also the day I release my novel — Book 1 of the Jewel Trilogy, Sapphire Ice! You can read more about it here.
I’m going through the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb and Gregg is learning everything he can learn about e-publishing and self-publishing. It’s all coming together!
So, mark your calendars. We’re going to discount the first 1,000 copies.