If you have yogurt with a foil lid but no spoon, you can make your own spoon, no problem. The only requirement I think I have is that the lid to your yogurt needs to be the sturdy foil type lid.
Pin ItCategory: Snacks
My boys love gathering acorns on the walk to school. They both have acorns in almost every pocket of their backpacks, and there is no telling how many they’ve buried in our yard, hoping to grow a tree.
So, when I saw this snack, I couldn’t help but get the supplies needed to make it!
Pin ItBread and butter pickles are an absolute favorite of mine. They’re kind of a savory/sweet combination that only a pickle can achieve. This recipe is straight from the Ball Book of Home Preserving. I consider Ball the the foremost expert on all things preserving and will almost always refer to them to answer any questions pertaining to preserving.
Pin ItThese were so much fun to make. The flavors worked really well together and it looked incredibly festive on the platter. They were gone within minutes at a church potluck dinner. Be prepared, though. It takes a little over 2 hours of regular (20 to 25-minute intervals) working with it.
Pin ItWe’ve had several days recently where the temperature has climbed toward 110°. As such, I wanted to find a way to cool the kids off.
It was easy. The only thing was that my containers were too big. I think the larger-sized bathroom cups would work best.
I didn’t have popsicle sticks, so I just used disposable plastic spoons. They worked just fine.
Pin ItMy daughter Kaylee LOVES fresh pico de gallo. She’ll sit with a huge bowl of it and a bag of organic tortilla chips and just inhale it. And because of the health benefits to the fresh salsa, I don’t discourage it. With fresh tomatoes, fresh peppers, and fresh onion, the vitamins and minerals can’t be beat. In running the nutritional analysis of the recipe, this is what I discovered. Fresh Pico de Gallo is has no cholesterol, is low in sodium, very high in dietary fiber, high in manganese, high in magnesium, high in niacin, high in phosphorus, very high in potassium, high in thiamin, very high in vitamin A, very high in vitamin B6, and very high in vitamin C.
It’s also REALLY easy. I make it all summer long straight out of my garden.
Pin ItThese cupcakes were so much fun to make. I just put them together with things I had in my pantry.
Pin ItI love this wrap, because using steak as a meat in it gives lunch a little facelift from the normal turkey or tuna. This is a great source of protein, which helps Kaylee get through her day since she eats lunch at 10:30 in the morning. It tastes fantastic, and is packed full of all sorts of good vitamins and minerals.
Pin ItWhen I did the Daniel Fast last year, I added an extra restriction to myself in that I wouldn’t eat anything with leavening in it. Consequently, I lived on veggie wraps for lunches. They were so filling, and the avocados helped fill me up.
Pin ItThis is an amazing recipe for making something new and different with all of that fresh produce coming out of the garden. You are getting such a wide variety of fresh vegetables, all kinds of good for your body vitamins and minerals, and is something different from the standard sauteing that I tend to do as a default.