Tag: Birthday

Hard to Imagine

I’d always feared that I would come against a giant and my faith would waiver. But, 7 years ago today, I faced a true test of my faith. Instead of waivering, instead of being afraid, instead of not trusting, my faith in God, my trust in God, and my peace grew. I blogged about it 3 years ago on the piece I wrote titled Peace That Passes Understanding.


A Sweet Sixteen

A follower on my Hallee the Homemaker Facebook page asked me, during my hectic week last week, if I would blog about Kaylee’s birthday party and what I did. The problem is, during party planning, I get immensely busy and don’t stop to take pictures. I have this weird hangup that if I can’t take a picture, then I can’t blog about it because it’s almost like the picture validates what I’ve done. Silly, I know, but nevertheless…

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How is it 15?

My baby girl turns 15 today.

How did that happen?

Where have 15 years gone?

We are waiting to celebrate. Apparently, opening night of The Hunger Games has an appeal for a group of 15 year olds, and so we’re postponing her party until that day, when we’ll take a group of twittering, texting, giggling teenagers to the hottest movie of the Spring.

Instead we’ll have a quiet celebration at home, after volleyball practice and before homework begins. I’ll make Floating Hearts with Raspberry Sauce and Fabulous Supper Nachos and put the Happy Birthday tablecloth on our dining room table.

And I’ll ponder…how is she 15? How is she this beautiful, poised, amazing young woman? How have I raised such a wonderful creature? I am in awe of the woman she is becoming.

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On Turning 40

Earlier this week, my Facebook status was, “I turn 40 this week. And that’s all I have to say about that.”

A reply from someone was, “It’s better than the alternative.”

Well said, friend. I even found a t-shirt that expresses that very sentiment for me perfectly.

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Menu Monday 07 MAR 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of March 7th. As far as desserts go, my cookie jar sat empty for so long that I finally removed it from the counter, and my husband hasn’t had homemade cookies from me in WEEKS. Consequently, I’m declaring this week to be cookie week. My husband is getting Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Cookies, and my kids are getting Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies. That jar will be refilled! It’s also Kaylee’s birthday party Saturday. She wants a tiered zebra striped cake. This oughta be fun. :-)

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Thirty-nine years ago today, I was born. It seems very strange. I don’t feel like I’ve lived long enough, have enough authority to be, or have enough experience to claim thirty-nine years. I remember when my parents were my age, and they seemed completely in control, larger than life, in charge, and in authority. Inside, I often feel none of those things, and I wonder if my parents felt the same way as they approached landmark years.


Menu Monday: 28 FEB 2011 – My Birthday Week!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 28th. As far as desserts go, I have some peaches unthawed that I used to make Scrumptious Cookie Pizza, so I’m going to make a peach cobbler or a Peach Pie with Whole Wheat Crust with those. It is also my birthday week, so I’m going to help the kids make me a birthday cake! I’ll likely splurge and go chocolate chocolate. This weekend we will be celebrating my niece’s 4th birthday, and she has asked me to make her a Wonder Woman cake. Yay me! How exciting! I’ve been working on ideas for a few weeks.

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