No Garden This Year

garden radish carrotI have an extensive travel schedule lined up for this year.  It started about two weeks ago, and will continue until the end of October.  At one point, there will be an entire month that I’m away from home (although, thankfully it will be summer time so my family will be with me.)

In the past, once the growing season really kicked in, I would spend time in the garden every day, weeding, tending plants, etc. When the harvest started coming in, I’d preserve by drying, freezing, or canning.

By this time last year, my work schedule was getting pretty intense. I had 4 fiction books and 1 cookbook out, and released another fiction in June.  I was SO busy with all of the extra work that comes once a book is published.  I tried to have a garden last year, but I honestly didn’t have the time to put into it, and I was constantly trying to keep up with it. I gave away food that I didn’t have time to preserve, and ended up composting too much food that just sat around until it went bad.

Monday-dug up gardenI made a conscious decision to make my travel schedule this year. I have conferences – one of which I’m a keynote speaker, speaking engagements, workshops, book signings, etc., all over the country, from Arizona to Nevada to Florida to Virginia. I simply cannot manage a garden, too.

So, last night, I was talking to my gardening/crocheting buddy.  She owns a cattle farm and her days are spent caring for animals and also tending a huge garden. Once the growing season hits, she’s in her garden or on her back porch processing the food she’s grown for hours and hours a day.  She has a greenhouse the size of my living room and has been spending the last several weeks working with lettuces and onions and baby plants that will be planted outside once this crazy winter is over.

0719 whole gardenAs we were talking about her week, I felt a little sad. I LOVE working in my garden. I’ve had a garden for five years.  It started as a little square plot that eventually became half of my backyard, and it produced an abundance.

God has different plans for me in this season in my life. But there’s a part inside of me that will miss the next 6 months of planting, weeding, nurturing, growing, picking, and processing that was such a huge part of my life.

Will you have a garden this year?


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