A Reminder
An opportunity for a part time job recently came across my radar. (About which a friend said to me, “Why? Because you aren’t busy enough?)
I considered it. Not because I need a job nor because I’m looking for work. I considered it because it sounded like fun. It would be easy, part time work. The kind of thing that would be a dream to a mom who had kids in school and who didn’t really need to earn a lot of money.
I told Gregg I was considering it. He just kind of nodded and went on with whatever he was doing at the moment.
A few days later, out of the blue, he said to me, “I don’t want you working.”
It took me a second to realize that we were picking up the job conversation. “Okay,” I said.
Gregg elaborated. “I want you homemaking. And writing. And blogging about writing and homemaking.”
Which made me laugh and reminded me how much I adore my husband.
Not that I need to be reminded.
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Your husband sounds like my husband, aren’t we blessed!