Tag: Blogging

What a Start to the Year!

The flu hit our house last week, and I’m still down with it. I AM feeling better than I have in days, so I’m hoping this is my last day with it.

My house is a mess, my Christmas tree is still up, store-bought bread is in the bread box, and once the soups I made when I still felt well enough to cook ran out, my family has been sustaining itself on Japanese and Greek takeout — but we’ve survived it and all but me are well enough to be at school and work today.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 23

I started this blog on a whim. I woke up one morning having no idea what a homemaking blog even was, and went to bed that night having written my first post. It has been an incredible 4-year journey. Through this blog I’ve learned, I’ve opened up, I’ve searched inside of myself, and I’ve made many friends. More so, I’ve grown closer daily to God by having a ministry so focused on Him that when I sit down at my computer, He is sitting right next to me.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 10

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I hate it because it sucks my life away. In order to have a presence there, you must be a presence there. So, when I could be doing a million other things, I have to be present.

I love it because I have made so many incredible friends through social media (including meeting my husband in a long ago pioneer form of social media called an AOL chat room). I also know that I know that if it weren’t for social media, this blog and my writing career would only have a fraction of the success they’ve had.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 7

1 Peter 4:10 tells us that God, through His grace, has given each of us gifts, and wants us to use those gifts to minister to one another. I am so grateful that He has given me the gift of storytelling.

Whether it’s a full length novel of Christian romantic suspense or a blog post about parenting a special needs child, I am able to entertain, engage, or enlighten. God determined that my ministry would be the written word, and for years now, I have I given of it freely, using it to minister to the world.


Newsletter Announcement

I just finished putting together April’s newsletter, which will publish Tuesday morning at 10AM EST. This newsletter is packed full of information about upcoming releases and current projects. If you aren’t already subscribed, you might want to go ahead and sign up. I also send release announcements and purchase links to newsletter recipients — something that may get lost in the social media noise.

Click here to subscribe to my newsletter


Homemaking “Tribe”

With Triberr, your blog post get fed via RSS (so you don’t have to manually do it) to your “tribe”, and the people there “share” it. In that, they hover over a button, and it gets shared. If you aren’t using Triberr, you’re missing out on an opportunity for nothing more than a large social media footprint. For instance, with all of the members of a Romance Novel Writer Tribe I run, when a blog post is shared by all of the members, it gets shared to 31,648 individual Twitter followers (my 3,600 Twitter followers plus the Twitter followers of all of the other people in my tribe). An Indie Authors tribe of which I’m a member has a reach to 244, 552. When I write an author blog post, with all of my tribes, my post is sent to about 800,000 Twitter followers.

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Pinkalicious, Head Injuries, Romance Writers & Teen Drivers

His pediatrician looked at him and did not like the way he acted or looked, so he sent us to the ER for a CT scan. About 5 minutes after I got there (our doctor had called ahead and immediately triaged him and put us in a room), Gregg arrived from his office, and about 5 minutes later, our pastor arrived. He annointed Scott with oil and prayed over him. (I love our pastor.) Scott was a trooper during the CT scan, even though he was scared. The results were clear – no bleeding on the brain — but he definitely has a concussion.


Facebook Sucks Follow-Up: Homemaking with Hallee on Google+

In a follow-up to my Facebook Sucks post, I decided to make a move.

A new feature on Google+ is communities. As soon as it started, I became a member of a number of writers’ communities. I did a search recently for “homemaking” within the communities and only found 5 — three of which were private groups. So, I thought, why not start one? Obviously, there’s a hole there.

So I created a community on Google+. I would LOVE for this to become more than just a place for me to share – my vision is for it to become a regular hangout for homemakers, homemaking bloggers, wives, moms, and just friends in general.

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Friday Morning Survey

I recently read a blog about blogging (heh) and it said, basically, that email subscriptions and RSS feeds are becoming dinosaurs.

Here is my question to you this morning:

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