Facebook Sucks Follow-Up: Homemaking with Hallee on Google+
In a follow-up to my Facebook Sucks post, I decided to make a move.
A new feature on Google+ is communities. As soon as it started, I became a member of a number of writers’ communities. I did a search recently for “homemaking” within the communities and only found 5 — three of which were private groups. So, I thought, why not start one? Obviously, there’s a need there.
So I created a community on Google+. I would LOVE for this to become more than just a place for me to share – my vision is for it to become a regular hangout for homemakers, homemaking bloggers, wives, moms, and just friends in general.
Here is the link: Homemaking with Hallee Google+ Community.
I hope to find you there! Share the link. Join up. We’ll do a series of weekly giveaways in the month of February for members of the Homemaking with Hallee Google+ Community.
If you’re a blogger, share this with your readers, and use it as a platform to share links to blog posts!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
You would bless me if you added me to your feed reader or subscribed via email.
You can also become a fan on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I would love to see more of you!
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The problem I see is, while many things about Facebook do suck, it’s where the most people are. I’m not on G+, and none of my friends are…I’m normally an early adopter of Google products (I’ve had a Gmail address since it was in true beta & you had to get an invite from a current user), but the privacy issues when G+ launched kept me away. And now, most of the people I know of who use G+ are techies (which might explain the lack of homemaking “commmunities”…it’s kind of the social networking joke, that FB is easy enough for grandma to use, Twitter is for people with short attention spans who like abbreviating things, and G+ is where the geeks hang out when they’re not on Reddit). Plus, Google has a history of suddenly ending projects/services that are more work than Google deems they’re worth. While FB may be limiting conversation, it’s still got a better reach than talking into an empty room that could disappear at any time. Building a “community” or fanbase on G+ has the extra hurdles of getting people to sign up for, used to, and regularly using G+…seems way more difficult than asking the fans you already have to interact with your posts on a site they already use.
I wish you the best in building your new community…but I hope you do continue posting on FB, because I won’t be signing up for G+.
The problem with Facebook is that it isn’t allowing people to see my posts. Until they fix that, it does me no good. And, if you read the comments on my original post about it, I’m not the only blogger facing it.
I do not plan on leaving Facebook. But, I’ll tell you that 118 out of 2052 people saw the link I posted this morning. That’s just annoying.
I don’t Facebook and I haven’t signed up for G+. (I’ve always thought Facebook sucked – sucked time!) I don’t know what’s holding me back with G+, but I haven’t pursued it. I hope you’re able to connect with all your fans someway.
I wholeheartedly agree that Facebook sucks. As a young social media marketer that has seen it evolve from the old ways, it has crashed and burned for small businesses and bloggers. The only way to really make your way is to pay them money. Like Google AdWords for small businesses/bloggers, it is not even remotely affordable. The real way to get traffic now is to write content, make it SEO friendly and try to solicit it to various publishers. The problem is many methods of creating great content are now outside the realm of possibility for many people without programming/HTML/coding experience. Online marketing is becoming obliterated overnight.