Homemaking “Tribe”

I know I have a lot of other bloggers who read my blog, so I’m going to announce this here just because so many things get lost in social media anymore.

With Triberr, your blog post get fed via RSS (so you don’t have to manually do it) to your “tribe”, and the people there “share” it.  In that, they hover over a button, and it gets shared.  If you aren’t using Triberr, you’re missing out on an opportunity for nothing more than a large social media footprint.  For instance, with all of the members of a Romance Novel Writer Tribe I run, when a blog post is shared by all of the members, it gets shared to 31,648 individual Twitter followers (my 3,600 Twitter followers plus the Twitter followers of all of the other people in my tribe).  An Indie Authors tribe of which I’m a member has a reach to 244, 552.  When I write an author blog post, with all of my tribes, my post is sent to about 800,000 Twitter followers.


So, Triberr just gets a Tweet (and some Facebook presence, but not as much as Twitter) out about your blog post by everyone in your tribe — and you share blog posts with your followers.  You have the power to approve blog posts (in my writing blogs, I’m careful not to share posts about writing erotica, for instance) and it’s a simple matter of clicking “approve” or “delete”.  It costs me less than 5 minutes every morning approving blog posts for my tribes.  It’s worthwhile to have and to use.

There are not a lot of homemaking tribes on Triberr.  I searched for the term “homemaking” and could only find 6, all with very few members.  So, I created one.

If you would like to be a part of Triberr and join my homemaking tribe, to share with other bloggers in getting word out about our blog posts, here in the link to my tribe: Homemaking Tribe

It’s brand new — as I write this, I am the only member.  But, with everyone who joins, the social footprint will increase.

I look forward to seeing you there!


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