Friday Morning Survey
I recently read a blog about blogging (heh) and it said, basically, that email subscriptions and RSS feeds are becoming dinosaurs.
Here is my question to you this morning:
How do you read Hallee the Homemaker? Do you wait until I post a link on Facebook and click through? Do you do the same but with Twitter? Google Plus? Do you have an email subscription? Do you use the RSS feed?
I would love for everyone who reads this post today to tell me how you found it. It’s not ever easy for me to get you readers to talk back to me, but this time, I’d really appreciate the information. You can do it anonymously and leave a fake email address — I don’t care about that.
Thank you!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
You would bless me if you added me to your feed reader or subscribed
via email.
You can also become a fan on Facebook or follow me on
Twitter. I would love to see more of you!

I get emails. You are a real inspiration, Hallee. Thanks for all you do.
Email usually, occasionally facebook and then RSS for backup :)
I only read blogs that I subscribe through email.
I don’t know what RSS is exactly but I get the emails and read the blog through there. I guess I’m not an FB friend but recently I haven’t had time for FB anyway. I hope you don’t stop sending the emails. I forget to go to blog sites to read updates but when all of my blogger friends are in one place (my email) I can read them all at once and not forget anyone.
I think i found your site through time-warp-wife. I usually just check your site everyday to see if you’ve posted. I do not subscribe or anything. Hope this helps!
I do not use email subscriptions (for you or any other blog I read), because I get enough (too much!) email as it is. I also do not use RSS feeds. I refuse to join Facebook. : )
I just check your blog frequently. I have a pretty good idea of who generally posts daily (or on weekdays), and I check those regularly. I also have a pretty good idea of who posts less frequently, and I tend to check them on the weekend when I have some down time.
I use google reader which is a RSS feed (i think:)) and I love it because I can search the archives of my reader. So when I don’t remember which blog if saw something on I do a simple search to find it:).
I have your blog link in my favorites and click on in through there.
I get the emails, and I see you on FB, too, but when it comes to actually reading your blog, I have a link on my own blog, and it’s set up so that whenever there’s a new post, your blog goes to the top of the list, and it tells me the title of your latest post. That way I know if you’ve posted something new since the last time I checked.
I found you through Free Jinger. To read you I just google your name. I don’t know when there is new stuff, I just go on when I have time (maybe 1/week) and read all the posts you have written.
I read through yahoo reader. I have about 25-30 blogs on there. I can see 4-5 of the most recent titles of each blog and click through to read what I want. Fast and no email to clog my inbox.
I get an email, but I usually click over from my blogger dashboard.
Usually I click through via Facebook, but I haven’t been seeing your posts lately because of that recent Facebook change. I use Facebook from my phone and so I haven’t been able to make those changes so that I always see your posts. I should probably sign up for email notifications…and be a dinosaur, LOL. I don’t have much time to read blogs, but yours is one that I love and I always keep coming back to whether for recipes, or just general blog posts about life as a busy mom. Keep up the great work!