Tag: survey

Call for Testimonies

I’m going to write a book about managing a home with tips, tricks, encouragement, etc., from all of those angles. It’s still brewing. It won’t be until after summer before I can work on it (unless other things go faster than I expect.) But, I’d like to include testimonies from other wives/moms/homemakers out there who manage their home and other aspects of their lives…


Friday Morning Survey

I recently read a blog about blogging (heh) and it said, basically, that email subscriptions and RSS feeds are becoming dinosaurs.

Here is my question to you this morning:


Tuesday Morning Survey: Making Changes?

In July, I’m going to bring you an interview I’m doing with a friend who had serious behavior and attitude problems with a preschooler, and through a series of total lifestyle changes, has seen amazing improvements in listening, attitude, and overall countenance. I can’t wait to let you meet her and hear about what she did.

As I’ve been preparing this interview, it occurred to me that YOU might have a story, too. If you do, would you allow me to interview you? You can either comment here and I can email you from the comment, or you can email me directly at hallee@halleethehomemaker.com.

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Tuesday Morning Survey

I’m working on re-doing my schedule in a major way. Gregg home full time and working a “regular” job, Kaylee in high school, Scott starting preschool, the end of our homeschool plans — it’s making me overhaul what I do and when. Since I’m in the process of that, I figure I might as well do the overhaul here that I planned to do in the future, too.


Monday Morning Survey IV

I have had the hardest time coming up with a two-year blog-iversary post for tomorrow (August 9th). I’ve thought of and rejected dozens of ideas. Nothing seems “it”.

Then I thought – I’ll do a question-answer! That will be fun! And, if I get too many questions for tomorrow’s post, I’ll just make other blog posts about them!


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