Tuesday Morning Survey
I know I typically do surveys on Monday mornings, but I don’t feel like waiting a week to post this survey question.
I’m working on re-doing my schedule in a major way. Gregg home full time and working a “regular” job, Kaylee in high school, Scott starting preschool, the end of our homeschool plans — it’s making me overhaul what I do and when. Since I’m in the process of that, I figure I might as well do the overhaul here that I planned to do in the future, too.
I’d like to get a pattern of posts: “Menu Monday”, “Recipe Thursday”, etc. As it is, I post what I feel like posting when I feel like posting it. Kind of a fly the seat of my pants kind of thing. My plan is to bring the structure I so enjoy in my homemaking to my blog.
So, here is today’s survey question:
What types of posts are your favorite? What do you get the most out of? Menus, recipes, parenting, marriage, housekeeping, cooking tips, organization, faith — what kind of posts do you most look forward to?
Knowing what everyone individually likes will help me in organizing my days.
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That’s a tough question. I like recipes, of course, but I like the everyday things, too.
I am a big fan of your posts on marriage, life, parenting, organization. I do like the occasional recipe, but, I really don’t have time for much cooking anymore, I usually cook and freeze our meals for the week on Sunday afternoons, so, if you have some “cook & freeze” recipes (I love soups, but the kids are only half interested in them)
Hmmm, that’s a toughie!
I like recipes, but I think my favorite posts are just about every day life things – kids, marriage, etc. I like to know that someone else is out there experiencing some of the same things I do. <3
recipes…and your schedule. someday i might have one of those as soon as i find my niche!
ok ok…i just like all your posts! lol(although i will be honest I don’t usually read gregg’s post b/c they fly WAY over my head!)
I LOVE the recipes. We’re in transition from a SAD (standard American diet) to a real food diet. Many recipes in magazines and such are full of processed foods, so your recipes help us a great deal. I’d love to see posts on the science of real food, like the one you did on the dangers of unfermented soy.
As a new mom, it would be really helpful to have posts about teaching young children about God and incorporating faith into the everyday. Growing up, we went to church occasionally, but God was treated like Santa Clause in that He existed to punish you when you misbehave. There was no relationship with Him. We muttered the same “prayer” before dinner. No morning or evening prayer. We never prayed as a family. Never studied the Bible, ever. God, the Bible, and religion were put in a box labled “Sunday morning.” The other 6.5 days of the week, you could do whatever and it didn’t matter. Consequently, I spent a good deal of my teenage years as an agnostic. I don’t want my kids to go through that, but I don’t know how to teach them, because I wasn’t taught. I hope that makes sense.
So true for me…But I think you two both have a marvelous ministry working together on the blog.
I think I like most everything. I usually read what I have time for. But, I am always looking for new recipes to try. Good and healthy ones without added garbage. I can count on you for that one.
I always love things that help me plan, like scheduling tips, menu planning (including recipes), household management/housekeeping. :)
real food recipes & housekeeping tips (cleaning/organizing especially) are always the most beneficial for me, Thanks!
I like the information on homemaking.
Recipes and faith posts. :)
I really like the everyday posts…like someone else mentioned, the someone-else-is-experiencing-the-same-thing posts. Also, the homemaking, parenting, marriage, organizing, schedule, essentially the day-to-day functioning of a family :-)
I like your posts on marriage, parenting, organization and faith. I enjoy all your posts, but besides the recipes, these are my favorite!
I like the posts on marriage, parenting, and homemaking. I still remember the tutorial you did on how to fold a fitted sheet, and I’m so thrilled you did because it makes that job so, so much easier!
I’m afraid my answer isn’t going to be very helpful, because I like them all. I think that “homemaking” includes all of the things that you mentioned. I would probably put recipe / menu planning posts as my most favorite kind, if I had to choose. I love that you make most things at home, from scratch, using real, whole foods. It’s very frustrating trying to find a new recipe online on the general recipe / cooking sites, because so many of them call for processed foodlike substances. But gardening, cleaning, schedules, and organization also are part of homemaking. As is marriage and parenting — who else are you making a home for? I love the stand that you and Gregg have taken on TV, and I think that decisions like those are also included in making a home. And faith, well, that is a part of everything we do, isn’t it? (If not, I submit that it should be.) I love that all of these different topics give a glimpse into who you are and what your life is like. It makes you seem very real and very relatable.
So there. My answer is yes. All of the above.
I actually like how you touch a little bit on every subject and I never know what to expect each day. The benefit of this is that when you are writing, it is straight from the heart and what is already on your mind. It is not something that you had to think up for that day’s category. Your posts are very real and down to earth and I like that about your blog. So, I guess I’m saying don’t change it too much. I already like how you manage to get all of these interesting things in to your posts without leaving things out because they don’t fit a special category. Keep up the good, I mean GREAT, work! :)
Homemaking, cleaning, recipes, scheduling… :)
I enjoy your posts on homestead-type life for the family. Even though I work PT outside the home, I strive to be the best old-fashioned style homemaker I can for my family while I am at home — cooking from scratch, simple living, gardening, crafts, etc.