Tuesday Morning Survey

I know I typically do surveys on Monday mornings, but I don’t feel like waiting a week to post this survey question.

I’m working on re-doing my schedule in a major way.  Gregg home full time and working a “regular” job, Kaylee in high school, Scott starting preschool, the end of our homeschool plans — it’s making me overhaul what I do and when.  Since I’m in the process of that, I figure I might as well do the overhaul here that I planned to do in the future, too.

I’d like to get a pattern of posts: “Menu Monday”, “Recipe Thursday”, etc.  As it is, I post what I feel like posting when I feel like posting it.  Kind of a fly the seat of my pants kind of thing.  My plan is to bring the structure I so enjoy in my homemaking to my blog.

So, here is today’s survey question:

What types of posts are your favorite?  What do you get the most out of?  Menus, recipes, parenting, marriage, housekeeping, cooking tips, organization, faith — what kind of posts do you most look forward to?

Knowing what everyone individually likes will help me in organizing my days.

Thank you for participating!


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