Monday Morning Survey IV
Welcome to the fourth edition of the Monday Morning Surveys!
I have had the hardest time coming up with a two-year blog-iversary post for tomorrow (August 9th). I’ve thought of and rejected dozens of ideas. Nothing seems “it”.
Then I thought – I’ll do a question-answer! That will be fun! And, if I get too many questions for tomorrow’s post, I’ll just make other blog posts about them!
So – today’s survey question:
Do you have any question for Hallee the Homemaker? It can cover any topic we cover here: homemaking, marriage, parenting, homeschooling, spirituality, cooking, preserving, gardening, etc.
You can post them here or email them to me.
Oh – and since tomorrow’s the big giveaway for the L’Equip Nutrimill Grain Mill and many bread making staple items as well, every question that I receive today, August 8th until 11:59PM EST, will get an entry for the grain mill. You don’t need to go over there to add the extra entry – we can do it. [UPDATE: Only one extra entry per person – ask as many questions as you want, but only the first one will count as an extra entry.]
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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Hi Halle, I guess my question would be…Where do I begin in regards to changing to a more natural foods based diet? My husband was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and my 14 yr. old son has recently had some breathing difficulties (he has no prior history of asthma). Now, I know my husband’s ill is caused by his extremely poor dietary choices (soda, energy drinks, chips, pepperjack cheese, hot dogs, hamburgers, extra portions of french fries-he is definitely a junk food junkie). However, my son doesn’t eat as poorly as my husband does-mostly milk and cheez-its though he does love cookies. But he’ll eat a good balanced meal and have a salad and fruit. So, I’ve recently started taking a closer look at the ingredients listed on packages and been researching the items online. So many of those are preservatives and some lead to hyperactivity, asthma, and cancer. So, now I’m thinking that this stuff has contributed to my son’s breathing problems (he has a doctor’s appt. on Friday). So, though my husband may take awhile to come around to healthy eating, I really want to start eating whole, natural, home-cooked meals on a regular basis. I will tell you that I have no idea how to make my own pasta or what to do with a grain mill, but I am seriously ready to learn. I am a stay-at-home mom so I know I could make the time if I just get organized and on a schedule of some sort. My kids (ages 5, 9, 14) will all be at school full time next month and I will be starting a home daycare business and I would love to incorporate healthier meals into the business as well so the little ones will benefit as well. I’m sorry this is such a long post but I’d really appreciate any suggestions or pointers you may have for me. Thanks so much.
I’m sure you have it somewhere on your enormous blog. I was wondering what was your original reason for starting this blog up? What encourages you to continue?
I would love for you to post your favorite recipe
The Chief Blonde
I would love to see your favorite WOrdless Wednesday.
I would love to see some summary quotes of the best things you have said about Gregg.
What is your favorite topic to write on?
Love to see your best gardening shot.
What has been your most revealing article? Which one really showed who you are?
If you could only have 10 items from your kitchen (Utensils, gadgets) etc what would those be.
What is your favorite meal to prepare and why?
What has been your most revealing moment at the soup kitchen
Hallee, what is the ONE convenience food that you really miss?
What physical thing on this earth convinces you that God exists?
In one sentence, capture your life philosophy. It can be a quote from elsewhere.
What is your favorite bible verse? top ten?
What is your favorite worship song or hymn?
What THING in your house makes you the happiest?
Is Greg ever going to be home all the time?
I don’t remember seeing it, you’ve probably talked about it though. Are you going to homeschool the boys, at least until high school, or are they going to “real” school?
And, additionally, what prompted that decision?
What individual(s) inspired you the most in becoming the wife, mother, and individual you are today?
Do you think people have become too reliant on others to provide the necessities in life (ie, prepared foods, hooked into the grid, allowing government to tell you what is healthy, etc) and if so, do you think this stems from apathy, ignorance or laziness?
I was wondering about getting transitioned from white to whole grain (for bread, etc.) when the family isn’t going for it! Even small amounts of whole wheat flour in the bread make my husband unhappy with the taste…
(And thanks for the extra grain mill entry – I’m hoping fresh milled grains will help!)
What made you decide to hand mill your grains instead of just buying organic flour from the store? Is it more cost efficient to grind it yourself, not including the start-up cost of the equipment? How long does the fresh milled flour stay good for? What is the ratio of wheatberries to ground flour?
How often do you get negative comments and how do you handle them? What Bible translation is your favorite?
What is your stance on immunizations as it pertains to whole living and also intentional living? I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews.
How did you decide to start your blog and determine the basis of the content? (All of which I have loved since I “bumped into” you a couple of weeks ago.) Don’t know how I missed you in the past; but God does direct us in life in His timing. I’m grateful to be in contact with you now. Oh, and thank you for the extra entry. ;-)
How would you recommend to begin the journey to become a Christian? For someone who was not brought up in it?
I’ve recently come across your blog. There are so many great blogs about living a Godly life, homeschooling, large families (these things are all us). I’ve been dying to ask someone…do you read blogs like your own and if so, how do you balance the time to read them with the rest of being a homemaker?
How do you START meal planning and then stick to it? I have lists of recipes that I know my family (I cook for myself, my husband, my daughter and my husband’s parents) will eat but not much idea of how to organize them. And also how to pack more veggies in, as they are often “forgotten” now.
Are there any compromises that you are willing to make when it comes to food?? Sometimes I feel as though I spend several hours a day thinking about/preparing/cooking food and feel guilty that I spend that time “ignoring” my children even though I try to get them involved. I do know that there has to be balance… where do you find your balance??
What is the next Bible study going to be?