Monday Morning Survey IV

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Monday Morning Surveys!

I have had the hardest time coming up with a two-year blog-iversary post for tomorrow (August 9th).  I’ve thought of and rejected dozens of ideas.  Nothing seems “it”.

Then I thought – I’ll do a  question-answer!  That will be fun!  And, if I get too many questions for tomorrow’s post, I’ll just make other blog posts about them!

So – today’s survey question:

Do you have any question for Hallee the Homemaker? It can cover any topic we cover here: homemaking, marriage, parenting, homeschooling, spirituality, cooking, preserving, gardening, etc.

You can post them here or email them to me.

Oh – and since tomorrow’s the big giveaway for the L’Equip Nutrimill Grain Mill and many bread making staple items as well, every question that I receive today, August 8th until 11:59PM EST, will get an entry for the grain mill.  You don’t need to go over there to add the extra entry – we can do it.  [UPDATE:  Only one extra entry per person – ask as many questions as you want, but only the first one will count as an extra entry.]



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