I think all of my years in corporate America has my mind conditioned to where I’m more productive and where I’m not. I’ve tried writing at the dining room table, and I’ve tried sitting on my couch and working, but I have always worked best at my desk. That’s one of the reasons that makes it hard to work when it’s just me and the boys. My office is removed from the rooms where they’re more likely to play, and I’m not very comfortable with that.
Pin ItTag: Blogging
An opportunity for a part time job recently came across my radar. (About which a friend said to me, “Why? Because you aren’t busy enough?) I considered it not because I need a job nor because I’m looking for work. I considered it because it sounded like fun. It would be easy, part time work. The kind of thing that would be a dream to a mom who had kids in school and who didn’t really need to earn a lot of money.
I am excited to get Hallee the Homemaker back up to what it was before I took a (desperately needed) semi-break. The ideas for posts just come and come — I simply haven’t had the time to actually focus and concentrate and put things together. If we can get me through the summer months (where my “free” time will have to continue to be spent focusing on the next book coming out rather than blogging) then we’ll be back up and rolling!
This week was my first full week totally focused on this new venture as an “official” novelist. I’m working on my trilogy, focusing this week on the first one (Sapphire Ice) and the third one (Topaz Heat). Sapphire publishes this month. I’ve been working on final edits, getting feedback from a set of beta readers, writing the blurb, and working with the cover artist. Gregg has been researching how to publish it and all of the details and nuances involved within that big giant convoluted world (he sends me technical articles in emails titled, “Stuff I Read So That You Don’t Have To” — and when I skim through them I’m reminded of how much I love and adore my husband), and tweaking this blog.
On Topaz, I’ve been filling in the holes after the first draft, re-writing chapters, and fluffing out thoughts and feelings in scenes. I could do that all day long, really. I love writing.
I’ve also been trying to create a web presence as Hallee Bridgeman, Novelist, as opposed to Hallee the Homemaker. Which requires reading and commenting on author blogs as opposed to homemaker blogs, working the Facebook and Twitter scene as Hallee Bridgeman instead of Hallee the Homemaker, and learning how Google+ operates.
I’ve learned a few things this week:
I’d been tossing around the idea of quitting blogging for about three months now. I really started thinking about it as soon as it dawned on me just how much less free time I have during the day when I no longer conducted my marriage via long distance means. Since I feel very strongly that the Holy Spirit is who led me to starting the blog, I started praying about it.
Pin ItWordpress has had a few major security updates lately. Gregg has always handled everything on the site end of this blog, but one of the updates happened while he was traveling home from Afghanistan. During his most recent (and final) trip home, it took him four days of traveling before he was finally here – and most of those days he had no internet connection.
So, when Wordpress updated, it stripped my Stat Counter code.
I love this blog. I love that the one-year-anniversary-giveaway has over 600 comments. I love that there is a steady number of you who have been with me from the very first post and who still read me every day. I love that people do searches for “Hallee the Homemaker” because someone has told them about this site. I love that God has allowed me this opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, to do Bible studies, to have debates and disagreements, to have conversations, to share recipes and stories from life, to pray for each other.