What are your thoughts on dairy and meat? I am so confused about it all, there is so much conflicting info out there.
As much as I wish otherwise, there isn’t a simple answer to this question.
Pin ItLoving a Life of Biblical Womanhood
Here’s the menu for my family for the week of November 7th.
Our church is currently observing 40 days of fasting, and Gregg and I decided that we would do a Daniel Fast. We are on our final week of the fast, and , you have seen a “vegan extreme” diet. We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor eating leavened bread. Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however. The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.
For breakfast, we are making a juice in our juicer out of kale, carrots, apples, and fresh ginger root. Several good juice recipes can be found here. I’ve also been making smoothies out of mango, fresh pineapple, bananas, oatmeal, flax seed, and coconut milk. We drink one or both of them for our breakfast.
For lunches, we will be eating hummus with fresh vegetables, avocado and salsa in Ezekiell 4:9 tortillas (the only tortillas I could find with nothing in them but grains), salads, or something like unsweetened peanut butter and bananas with tortillas.
I pray that by sharing our journey with you, you will receiving a blessing from it.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of October 24th. I have some pumpkin leftover from my Winter Squash Stuffed with Wild Rice, Dried Cherries, and Roasted Pecans (the recipe will go up this week), and the boys are begging me to make pumpkin cookies.
Our church is currently observing 40 days of fasting, and Gregg and I decided that we would do a Daniel Fast. For the next few weeks, you will see a “vegan extreme” diet. We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor eating leavened bread. Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however. The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of March 14th. This is an unusual week for me. Our church is taking part in a call to 40 days of fasting and prayer. I’ve decided to do a Daniel Fast throughout the 40-days, and that begins on Wednesday. Gregg’s food options in Afghanistan aren’t great, so he will maintain his weekly day of a full fast. Kaylee is going to be fasting from refined sugar. Scott and Johnathan will not be fasting.
On top of that, I have a Kentucky Romance Writers Workshop this weekend that will involve eating dinner out three times, and the children eating elsewhere.
Pin ItAs I’ve said in My Schedule (see the tabs above) long ago I had a full-time job with professional and personal commitments that kept me extremely busy. However, eating out all of the time was no a fiscal option, and fast food was not a healthy option, so I made sure that I cooked dinner every night. The only way to be able to do that with the lifestyle we lived and to eat before 9 o’clock every night was to have a menu plan.
Pin ItThis is week 2 of my 21-Day Daniel Fast. My blog post about that can be found here, but basically, it’s vegan extreme – and I’m throwing in my own personal restriction to unleavened bread only. I had a weak day at day 4. I didn’t break the fast, but I was tempted for some reason, even dreamt of food that night. At this point, I’m in a steady go, not tempted to cheat, not wishing I hadn’t started the fast in the first place (heh).
Pin ItYou often hear that people eat with their eyes first. When a plate is beautiful, colorful, the appeal of the food speaks to our brain. When it’s dull, brown, boring, the lack of appeal does the same.
What you may not know, and what our brain by God’s perfect design is telling us, is that those colors are good for you. That each color has a purpose, provides specific vitamins and nutrients, and that a diet rich in the rainbow is so good for your overall health.
Gregg and I watched Food, Inc., last week. The facts presented were interesting, but it was just ridiculous how they twisted things with the intent of eliciting an emotional response. The facts as facts were enough to get the point across without the added exaggeration element. But, I guess that’s how “documentaries” are presented.
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