Sunday Viewing
We make an effort every week to observe a “Sabbath day”. We understand that Sunday is not the “official” Sabbath, but rather than getting bound up in legalism, we just want to have a day of rest where we can focus on God.
We try very hard not to “go out” – go to stores or restaurants. However, we’re not married to that and if we have to go to the store, we do. Once a month, our Sunday School goes out to lunch somewhere together, and we typically join them.
Otherwise, we spend the day together as a family, resting. We bounced around the idea of not turning on the television on Sundays, but, decided instead to utilize that medium as yet another way we can focus on God.
Our rule for Sunday viewing is this: it must be a Bible story, or about God or the Bible in some way (we have the same rule about the books we read on Sunday). We have a HUGE movie selection, and a big portion of our movies are God and/or Bible focused, so there is no problem finding something to watch. We love it when the kids pick something that is a specific Bible story, but we’re happy with Veggie Tales or similar programming. Kaylee has several Christian themed teen appropriate movies and documentaries, and Gregg and I could watch the documentaries, video studies, and movies we have for a solid month and not put a dent in our choices.
Television time is still limited for the kids – that doesn’t go away no matter how wholesome the viewing is. But they know that on Sundays their choices get narrowed. They do great remembering that rule and following it — although, no matter how many times Johnathan tries to convince me otherwise, we haven’t accepted Justice League as being about God or the Bible.
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