Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce with Garlic & Basil

My garden is STILL producing tomatoes.  I had about 15 pounds the other day, and wanted to do something different with them, so I tried oven roasted tomato sauce.

This was easy as far as doing anything with tomatoes goes.  I still had to wash and cut the tomatoes, but I didn’t need to seed them or peel them.

Placed 5 pounds of washed and cut tomatoes — all different kinds and sizes — into a large bowl.

Add one onion and 8 garlic cloves (still in the skin).

Add ¼ cup olive oil and toss to coat.

Transfer everything to a baking sheet.

I ended up with 3 baking sheets because I had so many tomatoes.

Bake at 475° F for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 425° F and continue cooking for 45 more minutes, or until the onions are very soft.  I really wish I was capable of letting you smell how amazing my kitchen smelled about 20 minutes into this.  Remove from oven and let cool completely.

When the tomatoes are cool, squeeze the garlic cloves out of their skin.

Add ½ cup fresh basil leaves, ¼ cup fresh parsley, and ¼ tsp red pepper flakes.

Transfer to a blender.

Do not include the juice and the seeds that are in the pan.  You can discard it.

Blend until smooth.

At this point, you can can it or you can freeze it.  I decided to freeze it.

The least messy way is to use a container or a cup of some kind to hold your freezer bag.  Just label your bag, put it in the container, measure your sauce out, pour into the bag,  pull the bag out of the container, and seal.

I froze the sauce in 2 cup increments.

Out of my 15 pounds, I got 16 cups of tomato sauce.

I’m looking forward to seeing what amazing dishes in which I can use this sauce!



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