Tag: Raising boys

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 5

At 5, Jeb is our absolute joy. I don’t say that to take anything away from our other children, but Jeb is just…joy. He is highly emotional and has a happy nature, which means he is almost always just bubbling over with happiness. A friend at church says often that she wishes she could capture his laugh and just have it throughout her day.


Pinkalicious, Head Injuries, Romance Writers & Teen Drivers

His pediatrician looked at him and did not like the way he acted or looked, so he sent us to the ER for a CT scan. About 5 minutes after I got there (our doctor had called ahead and immediately triaged him and put us in a room), Gregg arrived from his office, and about 5 minutes later, our pastor arrived. He annointed Scott with oil and prayed over him. (I love our pastor.) Scott was a trooper during the CT scan, even though he was scared. The results were clear – no bleeding on the brain — but he definitely has a concussion.


Smarties Airplanes

When I asked Scott what kind of Valentine he wanted for his class party this year, he said he wanted to make a Valentine. I was so happy about that, because I’m all about homemade when I can.

Because I’m making Valentine’s for boys, and not girls, I had a bit of a challenge. So many of the crafts are very feminine – and that just wouldn’t be as much fun for them. I settled on a Smartie Airplane.

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A Bad Habit Revealed

I have a bad habit.

I have a tendency to leave cleaning supplies in my wake.

I’ll clean a room, scrub it down, mop it, vacuum it, make it shine like new. And when I’m done, on one surface will be a bottle of furniture cleaner, on another a bottle of window cleaner (vinegar & water), and on tossed somewhere will be the rag I used to dust the furniture.

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Sunday Viewing

Our rule for Sunday viewing is this: it must be a Bible story, or about God or the Bible in some way. We have a HUGE movie selection, and a big portion of our movies are God focused, so there is no problem finding something to watch. We love it when the kids pick something that is a specific Bible story, but we’re happy with Veggie Tales or similar programming. Kaylee has several Christian themed teen appropriate movies and documentaries, and Gregg and I could watch the documentaries, video studies, and movies we have for a solid month and not put a dent in our choices.


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