Tag: Raising boys
Poor Jeb was in such pain that they gave him an IV and a shot of Morphine. That eased the pain enough to allow him to play cars with Scott. There’s hardly anything worse than holding down your 2-year-old while two strangers put an IV in him. I know. I’ve had to do it to all three of my kids right around that age.
I took a small ceramic plate and made five separate globs: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple. I put it in between two boys who each had a sheet of construction paper. We’ve done this before – we do this often. Painting with brushes, sponges, fingers — none of it is new. But this time, Scott decided to lay his entire hand on the globs of paint at one time. With glee, he smeared his hand over his yellow construction paper and exclaimed at the fact that the colors all mixed together made brown.