Wordless Wednesday: Could They Be Twins?
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WOW! They do look a lot alike. Cute kids :)
they do look a lot alike!
AMAZING resemblance. I’d love for you to drop by and link up. You are also welcome to link me on your blog next week. I’d love it.
wow – they look so much alike!!!
So cute and they definitely look alike!!
WOW! They totally look like twins.
My Dad and my brother get that too. Both of their bootcamp pics from the Marine Corp look the exact same. You wouldn’t know the difference except my Dad’s is a black and white copy of the pic (original was lost) and my Dads ears stick out just a little bit more than my brothers.
Funny enough, I can’t tell you how many times when I was growing up that my Step mom and I were stopped and were told “you look soooo much like your mom!” We gave up trying to explain.
They look like mirror image. They certainly could have been twins.
Wow! What a resemblance!
Ha! They do look alike ~ so cute.
Wow! That’s amazing! Happy WW!
I agree! My son and youngest daughter are the same!