In Greek, the word bobota can mean anything from cornmeal to any bread or polenta-type dish made with cornmeal. In Greek history, during times of hardship, cornmeal recipes were very popular, and bobota is considered by many to be a “peasant” dish. This recipe gets a delightful shot of flavor from fresh orange juice and produces a dense, crumbly cornbread.
Pin ItTag: Diet & Fasting
What about Acts 10:9-16? God showed Peter a vision of many “unclean” animals and told him that what God had sanctified we are not to call unclean. It is probably more healthy to eat a Levitical diet, but as far as it being a present day biblical mandate I cannot agree with that one.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of October 24th. I have some pumpkin leftover from my Winter Squash Stuffed with Wild Rice, Dried Cherries, and Roasted Pecans (the recipe will go up this week), and the boys are begging me to make pumpkin cookies.
Our church is currently observing 40 days of fasting, and Gregg and I decided that we would do a Daniel Fast. For the next few weeks, you will see a “vegan extreme” diet. We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor eating leavened bread. Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however. The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.
Pin ItWhen I did the Daniel Fast last year, I added an extra restriction to myself in that I wouldn’t eat anything with leavening in it. Consequently, I lived on veggie wraps for lunches. They were so filling, and the avocados helped fill me up.
Pin ItThis is an amazing recipe for making something new and different with all of that fresh produce coming out of the garden. You are getting such a wide variety of fresh vegetables, all kinds of good for your body vitamins and minerals, and is something different from the standard sauteing that I tend to do as a default.
Pin ItSquash blossoms make a delightful appetizer, and they are often stuffed with mixtures similar to fillings used in stuffed leaves and vegetables. This vegetarian version calls for a mixture of rice, tomatoes, and herbs, and is served at room temperature.
Pin ItThis recipe is so easy to make, and is such a beautiful side dish to almost any sandwich. We love this kind of side for our game night dinners when we tend to go with Turkey Burgers or Root Beer Barbecued Beef Sandwiches.
Pin ItChapattis are similar to tortillas, but made with no baking powder. They are easy to make and keep well if stored in an air-tight container. Chapattis are common in Southeast Asia and throughout Africa.
Pin ItAsh Wednesday comes from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. Traditionally, the ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are burned and mixed with oil. In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence from meat, and repentance. It is a day for contemplating one’s transgressions. Ash Wednesday is also the first day of Lent.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of January 31st. As far as desserts go, we’re going to mail Gregg’s Valentine’s Day box, so I need to make some pink sugar cookies. I’m also going to send him some homemade granola bars, and I think I’m going to make the kids some Decadent Cookies & Cream Cupcakes.
I am personally focusing on a four-month personal fitness challenge, which will include what I eat and when I eat it, and will involve me working out and running daily. I’m not going to do a lot about it here. My husband, Gregg, is starting up a blog about his personal journey with fitness and will leave all of that kind of blogging to him. There will be times that the kids eat something different from me (for instance, I don’t expect them to want tuna in their scrambled eggs). In those instances, I’ll have two meals listed – one for me and one for them.
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