Tag: Hospitality/Recreation

Creamy Potato Soup

Potato soup is one of my favorite dishes. I often encounter it with ham in it, which is weird to me (even before I quit eating pork). The way my mom makes it is meat-free and very very simple. The flavor combination of the cream and the celery is really what makes it taste so good to me. I’ve even been known to thrown in some celery seed for added flavor. This soup is filling, hearty, and goes wonderfully with Whole Wheat Crusty Cheese Bread.

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High Protein Breakfast Smoothie

We love smoothies. I use organic plain yogurt, so there is no added sugar there, and I use whey powder that does’t have any artificial sweeteners in it – be careful with labels because there are very few flavors within very few brands that have good ingredients. But we’re able to weed through them and come up with a amazing and healthy breakfast that is easily consumed “on the run.” I have this for breakfast at least once a week, and often for a mid-morning snack.

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Menu Monday 21 FEB 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 20th. As far as desserts go, I’m going to make the kids a Deep Dark Chocolate Cake (HOW have I not posted that recipe yet? I will rectify that asap!) and will just have a container of whipped cream in the fridge to top it with as they get a slice!

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Creamy Cheesy Broccoli Soup

Kaylee ate a broccoli cheese soup in a bread bowl at Panera Bread one time and then proceeded to beg and beg me to make some. I made my Whole Wheat Bread Bowls, then found a couple of recipes for broccoli cheese soup and combined them. At the end, I blended the entire soup, but we didn’t like the consistency. Doing it again, I’d maybe blend half of it and leave the rest chunky.

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Menu Monday 07 FEB 11

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 7th. As far as desserts go, I have several Valentine’s Bouquets to make this week, so we will be making quite a few batches of Traditional Sugar Cookies.

I am going into week 2 of a 16-week personal fitness challenge, which will include what I eat and when I eat it, and will involve me working out and running daily. I’m not going to do a lot about it here. My husband, Gregg, is starting up a blog about his personal journey with fitness and will leave all of that kind of blogging to him. There will be times that the kids eat something different from me (for instance, I don’t expect them to want tuna in their scrambled eggs). In those instances, I’ll have two meals listed – one for me and one for them.

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What the Culture is NOT Telling Your Daughter About Sex

Yesterday, my 13-year-old daughter, Kaylee, and I were at a store buying some essentials to put into a care package for my husband (who is in Afghanistan). While we were there, I stopped by the large magazine rack to see if there were any fitness magazines that he might want or need (he is about to launch a fitness blog). Kaylee asked if she could get a fashion magazine. She is extremely interested in fashion and has even made noises about maybe becoming a fashion designer (the fashion industry could really use a Christian influence – heh.) Before I realized it, she had a copy of Cosmopolitan in her hand. Right on the front cover was: The Sex Quiz You Must Take.

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