BBQ Grilled Salmon
- By: Hallee
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BBQ Grilled Salmon
This dish always reminds me of summer evenings in my grandparents’ backyard. Grandpa would have line caught salmon on the grill and garden fresh corn on the cob. Grandma would cover the picnic table with a red and white checkered tablecloth, and we’d eat on paper plates with wicker plate holders. The Hydrangeas were always in full bloom in my memories.
olive oil
about ½ cup Kelly’s BBQ Sauce
½ tsp salt
½ tsp fresh ground pepper
grill, or broiler pan covered with aluminum foil
BBQ sauce brush (you can use the back of a spoon)
Run the back of your knife along the flesh of the fish. This will cause the pin bones to pop up. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove them. A very short video giving instruction can be found here.
Put some olive oil on a paper towel and lightly brush it on the fish. Sprinkle with Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. Brush a thin coating of Kelly’s BBQ Sauce on it and place it, skin side down, on a greased grill (or put it flesh side up on a broiler pan and put it under the broiler in your oven.)
Cook until the fish flakes of easily with a fork.
Approximately 4 servings, depending on the size of the fillet.
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High in niacin Very high in selenium High in vitamin B6 High in vitamin B12 |
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A delicious summer meal. Serve with herb seasoned corn on the cob.
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Not to put a damper on this, but you might want to do some research into the toxins found in fish, particularly the bigger ones that are farther up the food chain.
I was pretty impressed with the article about soy… I’ve read most of that before, and while I haven’t cut soy out of my diet, I’ve cut it way down. (Alyssa and I don’t really like meat substitutes that much, and anyway, we get most of our protein from legumes and healthy dairy.)
But the lead and mercury found in fish (the result of pollution in the ocean) is at least as scary as the stuff about soy. There’s a documentary called “The Cove” playing at the festival here which is about exposing the dolphin fishing industry in Japan (yes, you read that right) and it gets into toxins in fish. It’s an amazing movie anyway… it’s more like an action movie than a documentary.
I heard a lot about toxins in fish when I was pregnant with both boys – some but not as much when I was pregnant with Kaylee. There’s a whole list of fish that pregnant women are to avoid, and I remember reading an article about a woman who got mercury poisoning because they’d added so much fish to their diet and it took months for the doctors to be able to diagnose her. But, I haven’t ever furthered any research into it. I’ll start digging. Thanks.