Let the homeschool year begin! (finally!)

DSCF5546I FINALLY received all of the supplies I need to start this year’s homeschooling. As a recap to an earlier introduction, we do not homeschool our middle school daughter, Kaylee. She is a dynamic leader, and as much as we’ve prayed over it, hoping for the word to keep her home and isolate her from all that’s out there in the world, it isn’t what we received. She is very very smart and isn’t afraid to stand up for something she believes in (in fact, last year, a teacher finally told her to quit debating the theory of evolution and just memorize the correct answers for the test – which she did and under protest aced.) She witnesses for Christ continually, often brings friends to church and church functions, and is a shining light for all that is good and decent in the world. So, we do A LOT of home study in preparation for what she’ll learn from outside sources, both in the classroom and in the halls of the school, and pray for a covering over her as she leaves the house each day.

But a tiny portion of the mommy in me wants to scream, “NO!” to God and keep her with me, protected and sheltered. I know – I’m working on it.

DSCF3651The boys, however, don’t have to go face the demons yet. At 3 and 1, they’re just homeschooled with me. I kept it simple last year. I had a newborn baby and a broken tailbone and a husband who worked out of town, so the less I had to do, the better. Somehow, Scott made it through the year knowing all of his ABC’s; counting to 20; numerous shapes; all sorts of animals, birds, insects, reptiles, dinosaurs; an introduction to the solar system; and the fine art of mixing colors to create new colors. I’m sure he’s behind a lot of children his age, but that’s okay. He’s a brilliant child, so he’ll catch up.

This year, I’ve decided to use prepared curriculum. I’ve been prayerfully watching and waiting for the one that would just pop out at me. Looking through our favorite online resource for all things faith based (Christianbooks.com), I found exactly what I was looking for!

preschoolIt’s by the Answers in Genesis people (The Creation Museum) and it’s called Answers for Preschoolers. This curriculum is designed for preschoolers or homeschoolers. It’s versatile enough to be used both ways. It came with a resource pack (we get to make calendars every month – I LOVE changing colors and shapes and themes as the months change so this is very exciting to me), sing songs with the CD that came, do some in-depth Bible study, art projects, outdoor projects – math, social studies, science! I am SO excited! I got the last of the curriculum today, and will start teaching on Monday. (This week was not good for me – the baby is QUITE sick, which obviously wasn’t planned, and I have to bake and decorate a wedding cake AND a groom’s cake by Thursday.)

I’m a sucker for all things organization, and this not only comes with a recommended schedule for either whole days or half days, it even comes with a weekly supplies list. I don’t even have to dig through it and figure out what I’m going to need and risk forgetting something. Nope – it’s all very clearly spelled out for me.

I can hardly wait until Monday!

Do you homeschool? What kinds of curriculum do you use? How do you schedule your day?


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