A Ghoulie Good Time

My intent was to make these treats and take pretty pictures with my new pink camera throughout the process, but last week my kids were sick and this week I’ve been playing catch up every day. (I still have one more load of laundry to do from yesterday’s schedule, and then I’ll finally be back on track laundry-wise.)

But, Halloween is 2 days away, so I wanted to go ahead and post the instructions. It won’t be as exciting without the pictures, but, you know, what can you do? :-)

Mummy Dogs

mummiesMake a batch of buttermilk biscuits.

Pinch off about the size of a walnut. Roll it into a strip no more than 8 inches long. Keep it pretty narrow. Wrap it around a hotdog (we use Hebrew National) like a mummy. Bake at 400 for about 25 minutes, or until the biscuit is browned. Put mustard dots for eyes. (Ketchup dots don’t show up well on the brown hot dog, but if you used a white hot dog like chicken, red may work.)

bugsBeefy Bugs

Make a batch of buttermilk biscuits.

Take a beef lil’ smokie and wrap it up with a pinch of the biscuit. Bake at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until the biscuit is done. Using French fry sticks, make legs and antenna. Dot with mustard and ketchup for eyes and spots.

soupSpider Rolls

Make yeast rolls. After the initial rise, break dough apart into equal portions. I go ahead an cut them as I would rolls. It will take two rolls to make each spider.

On a cookie sheet, crumple two 3-inch lengths of tinfoil to make two “sticks” of foil. Grease the cookie sheet and spray oil on the foil.

Break two rolls worth of dough into thirds. With one third’s worth of dough, roll into a ball and place on the cookie sheet, with the foil on either side. With enough room for the dough to rise, make a line of dough balls down the length of the foil sticks. With the other two portion of dough, break each into four portions and roll into “legs”. Place under the ball of dough on the cookie sheet and over the foil so that the legs, when cooked, will be “bent”.

Let rise for one hour. Bake 400 degrees for no longer than 20 minutes -watch it closely because the legs will brown a little faster than the “body”.

spider breadYou can use olives to make eyes.

This should make 12 spiders.


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