Tag: Human Interest

The Anti-Marriage Agenda

It took me quite some time to decide what to write about for this chapter in Vicki Courtney’s 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter, and the introduction to conversation number 4: It’s OK to Dream About Marriage and Motherhood! Chapter 14, “The Anti-Marriage Agenda” listed all sorts of statistics and social thoughts about marriage and the state of marriage today. They were interesting, but not overly surprising. Less people get married today than they did 40 years ago, and they’re getting married much later in life than they did 40 years ago. I think that is obvious and I don’t need to rehash it all.

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Thank You!

For those of you who took the time to respond to my Monday Morning Survey questions I and II, I just want to say thank you so much. Your answers were so thoughtfully presented. I REALLY enjoyed a different way to get to know some of you.

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Monday Morning Survey II

I REALLY appreciate all of the amazing feedback I got from last week’s survey. I knew I had a diverse readership, so I wasn’t surprised so much about the differences of opinion as I was about how well thought out and presented the opinions were. THANK YOU. Please also consider answering this survey. I’m researching public opinion for a post I’m writing for April 1st at Seeds of Faith.


Monday Morning Survey

I’d love it if every single person reading this post will reply. I know I have an incredibly diverse readership, and I’d love to see what people have to say. It will take you less than two minutes to reply. I’m researching public opinion for a post I’m writing for April 1st at Seeds of Faith.


Menu Monday 07 MAR 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of March 7th. As far as desserts go, my cookie jar sat empty for so long that I finally removed it from the counter, and my husband hasn’t had homemade cookies from me in WEEKS. Consequently, I’m declaring this week to be cookie week. My husband is getting Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Cookies, and my kids are getting Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies. That jar will be refilled! It’s also Kaylee’s birthday party Saturday. She wants a tiered zebra striped cake. This oughta be fun. :-)

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Thirty-nine years ago today, I was born. It seems very strange. I don’t feel like I’ve lived long enough, have enough authority to be, or have enough experience to claim thirty-nine years. I remember when my parents were my age, and they seemed completely in control, larger than life, in charge, and in authority. Inside, I often feel none of those things, and I wonder if my parents felt the same way as they approached landmark years.


High Protein Breakfast Smoothie

We love smoothies. I use organic plain yogurt, so there is no added sugar there, and I use whey powder that does’t have any artificial sweeteners in it – be careful with labels because there are very few flavors within very few brands that have good ingredients. But we’re able to weed through them and come up with a amazing and healthy breakfast that is easily consumed “on the run.” I have this for breakfast at least once a week, and often for a mid-morning snack.

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It’s a Dismally Lonely Business, Writing

This morning while working, I stopped to use a thesaurus. I use on online thesaurus. I have one built into my writing program that’s good, but I like the online thesaurus best because, well, I guess just because. So, whenever I use it, which is all the time, I leave the writing program and go online (and maybe check Facebook and my comments here – heh.)


Menu Monday 07 FEB 11

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 7th. As far as desserts go, I have several Valentine’s Bouquets to make this week, so we will be making quite a few batches of Traditional Sugar Cookies.

I am going into week 2 of a 16-week personal fitness challenge, which will include what I eat and when I eat it, and will involve me working out and running daily. I’m not going to do a lot about it here. My husband, Gregg, is starting up a blog about his personal journey with fitness and will leave all of that kind of blogging to him. There will be times that the kids eat something different from me (for instance, I don’t expect them to want tuna in their scrambled eggs). In those instances, I’ll have two meals listed – one for me and one for them.

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