Honey Spiced Pears

Honey Spiced Pears

Some friends of ours have a pear tree that just overwhelms them with abundance on an annual basis.  I am always happy to take as many pears off their hands as they’ll give me.  This year, that turned into two laundry baskets full of pears.  I am always on the search for real food canning recipes – that cut out the processed sugar that is used as a preservative in anything using fruit.  I was thrilled to find this recipe.


7 pounds of pears
1 stick cinnamon
1 tsp whole cloves
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 quart honey


stainless steel pot
sharp knife, cutting board
cheesecloth, string
Boiling water canner
slotted spoon
medium sized bowl
6 pint jars with lids and rims


Peel and slice the pears.

Place the spices in the cheesecloth and tie with string.

Fill the canner with water and bring to a boil.  Add the empty jars and lids.  Boil for a few minutes.  (I just let the jars boil while I’m working with whatever is going into them.  Then I remove them and add hot food to hot, sterilized jars.)


Place the pears in a stainless steel pot.

Add the spice bag, the vinegar, and the honey.

Stir gently.

Heat over high heat until the pears are tender. Remove the pears from the sauce.

Boil the syrup until thick – about 10-15 minutes.

Pack the pears into the hot jars, leaving ½-inch headspace.

Using a funnel, ladle the syrup into the jars, leaving ½-inch headspace.

Wipe the rims clean.  Adjust the lids.

Carefully set into boiling water in your canner.  Make sure the water covers the top of the jars.  Process in boiling water bath for 20 minutes.

Remove the jars and set aside to seal and cool.


6 pints


I try to use all stainless steel or wood when canning and preserving, to avoid food reacting to different metals.

I would love to hear any feedback about this recipe. Did you make it? Did you enjoy it? Did you make any adjustments to it?


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