Year: 2011
No one can deny that there is a health crisis in America. The generation we are raising today is the first generation in history that will not live longer than their parents. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, morbid obesity, autism, Type II diabetes, cancer, heart disease, viral outbreaks, a host of chronic conditions — our hospitals and doctors’ offices are flooded with patients.
I have a fiscally conservative perspective when it comes to things like government spending. Our government spends WAY too much money. If you want to see some of the mind-boggling appropriations, a good source is Citizens Against Government Waste. They break down how much money went to what, and which Representative is responsible for the bill to enact the spending. Spend some time there and you’ll see what is called “pork” – excessive government use of taxpayer dollars.
In 2002, you would have been hard pressed to find a more patriotic American than me. I was a newlywed, the wife of a Special Forces soldier who was fighting the War on Terror on the front lines, and I was a huge advocate for our presence in Iraq. The partisan political buzz didn’t dissuade my opinions (and in hindsight, I don’t believe I was wrong) about aggressively battling terrorists on their home turfs.
Here’s the menu for my family for the week of November 7th.
Our church is currently observing 40 days of fasting, and Gregg and I decided that we would do a Daniel Fast. We are on our final week of the fast, and , you have seen a “vegan extreme” diet. We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor eating leavened bread. Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however. The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.
For breakfast, we are making a juice in our juicer out of kale, carrots, apples, and fresh ginger root. Several good juice recipes can be found here. I’ve also been making smoothies out of mango, fresh pineapple, bananas, oatmeal, flax seed, and coconut milk. We drink one or both of them for our breakfast.
For lunches, we will be eating hummus with fresh vegetables, avocado and salsa in Ezekiell 4:9 tortillas (the only tortillas I could find with nothing in them but grains), salads, or something like unsweetened peanut butter and bananas with tortillas.
I pray that by sharing our journey with you, you will receiving a blessing from it.
Pin ItWith it being the second week of November, and Tuesday being election day in the United States, I thought I’d do a series of posts on my opinions on “the issues” that face Americans today. Then I discarded the idea, because I barely have time to get recipe posts up the way I like. But, when I was brainstorming for posts ideas, a friend on Facebook asked me to write a post on the Iraq War. It brought back my idea to do a series of “Issues” posts.
As I read this chapter 5 of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets them Free, I could not help but think of the preview for the movie I Don’t Know How She Does It. The Plugged In review said:
Pin ItI’d never made Ratatouille before, but my friend Jen (who has posted recipes here for me before) often does and I know her family likes it. As I was preparing the vegan menu last week for our Daniel Fast, Ratatouille came to mind and I decided to give it a go. This was an amazing recipe. The flavors are so fresh. There’s something specific about the layering of the veggies and the order in which you layer them that makes the dish so good. We served it over brown rice, but you could serve it alone, over pasta, over bread – anything, really.
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