Searching My Site

A friend of mine complained that she couldn’t ever find a recipe she was looking for on my site.  I told her that the standard WordPress search tool that you find on the right hand side of my blog pretty much sucks.

Case in point: search for the term “homemade vanilla” and you get two pages of posts where both “homemade” and “vanilla” appear – from cupcake recipes to menus to the final post, which is my Homemade Vanilla Extract post.

It’s a terrible search engine, and I honestly don’t use it.

When I’m searching for something on my site, I’ll use Google.  When I’m making my Menu Monday post and I’m searching for the links to the recipes, or when someone wants a specific post from me – I just type “Hallee” into Google, and the search term – in this case, “Homemade Vanilla.”   I rarely have to type out “Hallee the Homemaker” – usually, “Hallee” works just fine.

Or – you could use something like and raise money for a charity or school (we raise money for Glen Eden Youth Center this way.)  You just go to Goodsearch, enter the name of your charity, and every time you search for something, they donate some amount to that charity.

So, don’t bother with that search box on my site.  Just use your search engine with which  you normally would search the web.



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