Tag: Google

Facebook Sucks Follow-Up: Homemaking with Hallee on Google+

In a follow-up to my Facebook Sucks post, I decided to make a move.

A new feature on Google+ is communities. As soon as it started, I became a member of a number of writers’ communities. I did a search recently for “homemaking” within the communities and only found 5 — three of which were private groups. So, I thought, why not start one? Obviously, there’s a hole there.

So I created a community on Google+. I would LOVE for this to become more than just a place for me to share – my vision is for it to become a regular hangout for homemakers, homemaking bloggers, wives, moms, and just friends in general.

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Things I’ve Learned This Week

This week was my first full week totally focused on this new venture as an “official” novelist. I’m working on my trilogy, focusing this week on the first one (Sapphire Ice) and the third one (Topaz Heat). Sapphire publishes this month. I’ve been working on final edits, getting feedback from a set of beta readers, writing the blurb, and working with the cover artist. Gregg has been researching how to publish it and all of the details and nuances involved within that big giant convoluted world (he sends me technical articles in emails titled, “Stuff I Read So That You Don’t Have To” — and when I skim through them I’m reminded of how much I love and adore my husband), and tweaking this blog.

On Topaz, I’ve been filling in the holes after the first draft, re-writing chapters, and fluffing out thoughts and feelings in scenes. I could do that all day long, really. I love writing.

I’ve also been trying to create a web presence as Hallee Bridgeman, Novelist, as opposed to Hallee the Homemaker. Which requires reading and commenting on author blogs as opposed to homemaker blogs, working the Facebook and Twitter scene as Hallee Bridgeman instead of Hallee the Homemaker, and learning how Google+ operates.

I’ve learned a few things this week:


Searching My Site

A friend of mine complained that she couldn’t ever find a recipe she was looking for on my site. I told her that the standard Wordpress search tool that you find on the right hand side of my blog pretty much sucks.


Fiery Darts

I have a Google thing that patrols the internet looking for the name of my blog or the link to my blog.  I get a ….

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