Year: 2011


I’ve had so many people ask me how the transition of Gregg being home has gone. This past weekend, while Gregg had drill in Alabama, the kids and I visited my parents in West Virginia. At church Sunday, their pastor asked me how married life was treating me – as if we were newlyweds. It made me laugh. It also made me want to share this.


Menu Monday 03 OCT 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of October 3rd. As far as desserts go, Scott has been begging me to make him some Red Velvet Cupcakes. I also have a ton of new cookie cutters, so I may make some Traditional Sugar Cookies as well.

It is my daughter’s mini-fall break. We have been at my parents’ house all weekend and will return home sometime tonight. While we’ve been gone, I’ve had a turkey breast defrosting in my refrigerator to make lunch meat for the week.

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Dear Hallee: “Help!”

I’m embarrassed to say how long ago I received the following letter – several weeks at least. I read it, and started mulling over it and just never got back to it. It took me a while to decide how to respond, and then it took me a while to decide to respond here. The subject line in the email was “Help!”


What This Is Not

Wordpress has had a few major security updates lately. Gregg has always handled everything on the site end of this blog, but one of the updates happened while he was traveling home from Afghanistan. During his most recent (and final) trip home, it took him four days of traveling before he was finally here – and most of those days he had no internet connection.

So, when Wordpress updated, it stripped my Stat Counter code.


This, Too, Shall Pass

My friend, Angela, has three little boys. Her oldest is in kindergarten and her youngest is one. Her middle boy has Down’s Syndrome and is extremely high maintenance. Angela, though, is wonderful and handles all of the challenges in her life with such grace that she inspires even the most weary of moms around her. She blogs with humor and amazing depth at her blog My Three Sons.


Fabulous Supper Nachos

My mom found this recipe in a magazine probably thirty years ago. This recipe is AMAZING. I don’ t know exactly what sets it apart from other hot nachos recipes, but something does. You won’t find a better dish to take to a party – this is probably the dish for which I’m most often asked for the recipe. They’re called “Supper Nachos” because they are a meal. They’re a family favorite.

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