Year: 2011

A Volunteer Force

Think about this for a moment: Every single person in today’s military is a volunteer. And every single person there has either joined or extended their contract during war time. We are coming up on the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9-11, and we have been at war for almost ten years.


Tip: Handling Hot Peppers

Hot peppers contain an nutrient in them called capsicum. Capsicum is what creates the burning sensation in your mouth when you eat something that’s made with hot peppers. It can also burn your skin. When you pick peppers with your bare hands, the capsicum can get on your skin and burn. If you touch your eyes or your mouth with the capsicum on your skin, you can actually get burns that need to be treated medically.


Date Night

A few years ago, Gregg and I were reading a book on marriage by a Christian counselor. In this book, it was recommended that a married couple have a date night once a week.

Once a week?


Homemade Catsup

When I get to working fast in the kitchen, I forget that often I should be taking pictures for posts for recipes. This is one of those occasions. I had a lot going on in my kitchen the day that I made this catsup, and I was finishing it up when I realized I should have been documenting the process. Consequently, I apologize, but I will tell you that this is an incredibly flavorful condiment. I will forever use it for our homemade catsup (or ketchup, as my spell check prefers!)

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Cybil & the Fiero

Hi from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. We drove the 280 miles last night, arriving at 11 PM, so that Gregg could buy Kaylee a Fierro. She’s 14, and he plans to spend several months rebuilding it with her, teaching her all about the inner workings of a car. By the time it’s finished, and she’s old enough to drive it, she’ll be in a classic 1985 sports car that’s safe and gets good gas mileage. He is so excited.


Seeds of Faith: Truth and Consequences

In Sunday school a few weeks ago, we were studying Romans 1, and through a rabbit chasing a rabbit course of conversation, I mentioned that we do not watch popular culture television. We don’t have cable, we don’t do whatever HD thing you need to do to get base television stations, and we have no intention of changing that in the near future. I said that the reason why is because we are so strict about what we allow into our home in the form of entertainment, that there are actually very few shows that we would even be able to watch if we were willing to free up that much time in our lives for watching.

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