Date Night

A few years ago, Gregg and I were reading a book on marriage by a Christian counselor.  In this book, it was recommended that a married couple have a date night once a week.

Once a week?

That point, we had Kaylee and Scott, and had never left Scott with a babysitter.  I think maybe he was almost one year old.  We scoffed at the thought of going out together once a week.

Then we read another book that recommended the same thing.  And another.  Listening to a sermon on marriage, the same thing was recommended.  “Married couples need to commit to each other to spend one-on-one, away from home time no less than once a week.”

We were intrigued and decided to give it a try.  Of course, Gregg had to come home permanently first.  When he was home for a few weeks here and there, it was easy to find babysitters and make arrangements to go on a date – people expected it of us.  We had friends clamoring for the opportunity to give us some time alone.

Now Gregg is home full time, and has been for three weeks.  We have been really purposeful in arranging that time alone.  So far, we have been to a movie, to an art show, and shopping.  In the coming two weeks, we have tickets to a dinner theater and a Christian music concert.

I have to tell you – I’m loving these date nights.  We’ve been planning things we have control of for week nights, so as not to interfere with the purposeful family time we have set aside on the weekends.  But, that one night a week, or that one morning a week, or whatever it ends up being, has been absolutely wonderful.  Several times we’ve even made it home in time to put the boys to bed and give Kaylee our typical evening attention.

Gregg knows my preference to going somewhere dressy so that I can get all blingy and put on some awesome shoes, and he does his best to accommodate that when he makes the plans.

It isn’t always easy to make the arrangements.  Kaylee has plans on Thursday every week with her youth group, and the next few dates happen to fall on Thursdays.  But, it gives us as adults something to look forward to without children, to plan romance and married time and get excited about dating each other again.

If you aren’t dating your spouse regularly, I highly recommend it.  We are certainly enjoying it.



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