Tag: Family

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 14

Out of four children, I’m the second oldest (and at 5’11” the SHORTEST!) My brother, Jim, is 16 months older than me, my brother, Ty, is 3.5 years younger, and my sister, Misty, is 5 years younger.

Our parents encouraged us to follow our dreams, to create, to imagine. We lived in a household where movies were adored and discussed and dissected. A household where books were consumed with equal passion.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 13

My parents were high school sweethearts. If you’d have asked my mom, when she was 17, what she wanted to be when she grew up, her answer was, “Bill’s wife.” Their high school year books are filled with references to their relationship. “Have a good summer! Good luck with you and Bill!” They’ve been married 45 years, have four children, and seven grandchildren. Somehow, they managed to create a functional, Godly home amongst the cultural revolution of the 70’s and 80’s.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 12: Our Home

I love our home. It’s a compact house on a rather busy residential street in small town Kentucky. We had to convert a bedroom to create a dining room, and I have to share that dining room for my office, but I love our home. The backyard is big enough to hold the dog, the kids, and a relatively large garden. We utilize every single room inside, and have a huge basement that holds way too much storage (I am so enamored of the simplicity & less is more mindset and am making the basement my goal for the year.)


Vacation: Days 1 & 2

This was our first family vacation that didn’t directly have to do with the military or visiting family that we’ve ever taken. We stayed in a condo on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. We live in central Kentucky, so we faced about an 11-hour drive to get there and we decided to break it into a 2-day trip. We packed a SERIOUS LOT of vacation into the days we were gone.


What Veterans’ Day Means to Me

I love this country. It is truly the greatest country on earth, with so much promise and potential. I get annoyed a lot of times at gluttony, greed, laziness, entitlement, etc., and I sometimes forget and let those feelings overshadow the fact that there is so much good here, so much hard work that built this land — that we live in a land that people actually die trying to get to.

I am so proud of the military legacy of my family. I pray that my sons continue it, and continue to fight for and stand for America. Here is my annual “What Veteran’ Day Means to Me” posting of the honor of my family’s service to our country:

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Top 5 Ways to Have a Healthy, Successful Marriage

Marriage is a favorite topic of study for Gregg and me. We have read the books, watched the videos, attended online seminars, listened to sermons, read the Bible, and have garnered a lot of psycho-babble inspiration on what makes a good marriage.

As this is Valentine’s Day, February 14th, and the last day of National Marriage Week, I thought I’d give you our top 5 ways to have a healthy, successful marriage (and these are by no means exclusive) .

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“How do I look?” Part 5 of 7

The conflated argument Evans puts forward stands on the proposition that it “should make no difference” whether a wife maintains stewardship over her subjective appearance — that such stewardship or lack thereof ought to have absolutely no impact on her husband’s daily battle with sexual temptation.

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