What about Acts 10:9-16? God showed Peter a vision of many “unclean” animals and told him that what God had sanctified we are not to call unclean. It is probably more healthy to eat a Levitical diet, but as far as it being a present day biblical mandate I cannot agree with that one.
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We aren’t going to judge or condemn what anyone else does anything different – from decorating Easter eggs to full blown gift giving bonanzas. Each family needs to make their own decisions and their own traditions for holidays. This is just how our family has decided to observe this, what is to us, the most holy and amazing of all holidays.
Pin ItMarriage is a favorite topic of study for Gregg and me. We have read the books, watched the videos, attended online seminars, listened to sermons, read the Bible, and have garnered a lot of psycho-babble inspiration on what makes a good marriage.
As this is Valentine’s Day, February 14th, and the last day of National Marriage Week, I thought I’d give you our top 5 ways to have a healthy, successful marriage (and these are by no means exclusive) .
Pin ItWith this focus on marriage this week, culminating in Valentine’s Day with a focus on sweethearts and love, think about your marriage and your relationship with your spouse. Is there anything you can do special this week to make him feel special? To let her know how much you appreciate her?
Pin ItIn Sunday school a few weeks ago, we were studying Romans 1, and through a rabbit chasing a rabbit course of conversation, I mentioned that we do not watch popular culture television. We don’t have cable, we don’t do whatever HD thing you need to do to get base television stations, and we have no intention of changing that in the near future. I said that the reason why is because we are so strict about what we allow into our home in the form of entertainment, that there are actually very few shows that we would even be able to watch if we were willing to free up that much time in our lives for watching.
Pin ItThe before dinner devotions are open – it will be whatever my husband or I determines will be discussed at that time. During breakfast, however, we have a set Bible reading.
Pin ItMy daughter, Kaylee, spent the second semester of seventh grade living with her father in Florida. My boys and I went to spend Spring Break with her. In our beach house, we had cable – something we don’t have at home. Kaylee insisted that I watch a show with her about sweet sixteen birthday parties for young up and coming divas that she’d been watching at his house.
Pin ItIt is so simple to make your own sandwich meat, and it tastes SO much better than anything you can purchase prepackaged or have sliced at a supermarket deli.
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