My Threesome Weekend: Me, Gregg, & George Foreman

This past weekend, Gregg and I whisked ourselves away for a romantic weekend.  My parents watched the boys for us, and Friday afternoon we left them in their able care and didn’t return until Monday afternoon.

Where Gregg is in Afghanistan, the food is what he calls “just plain awful.”  He forces himself to eat as much as he can force himself to swallow at least once a day, and actually looks forward to Sundays when he fasts and prays all day.  Mealtime has become a time of stress for him.

Because of this, we decided that this weekend we would not eat out.  Gregg does not enjoy restaurant food the same way he enjoys my cooking.  So, when we made our reservations at a hotel, we made sure that (1) it was a suite so that we’d have multiple rooms since we’d planned on holing up for three whole days, and (2) it had some form of a kitchen.  We were really quite pleased with what we were able to find.

My George Foreman grill was my absolute lifesaver this weekend.  I’ve always loved my George, but I didn’t realize just how useful he could be.  The kitchenette did not have a stove, so I was forced to make due with a microwave, a crockpot, and my George Foreman grill.  I made some beautiful meals.

When we arrived, I set about making a Steak with Mushrooms and Onions while Gregg made a couple of cheese platters.

Here was our dinner the first night:

I cooked the steaks on the grill, the potatoes in the microwave, and made a salad.

After dinner, we put together a Vegetable Beef Soup in the crockpot.  George cooked the meat for the soup for me.

We set the crock pot to low so that the soup could cook all night long.

Then I made a pitcher of iced tea with my iced tea maker.

The next day for lunch , we had steak sandwiches made from dinner the night before, the soup, and nibbled on the beautiful cheese plates that Gregg had put together.

At dinner time, I made Mediterranean chicken, rice pilaf that I cooked in the microwave, a Greek salad, and I made a cucumber yogurt dill sauce that I served with grape leaves and olives.  This was a wonderful meal, my favorite of the weekend.

Lunch the next day, I made tuna sandwiches and we ate the soup again.  We finally left the hotel room and went to see a movie.  Another movie caught our eye, so we rushed back to the hotel, ate a chicken salad made from leftover dinner the night before, and went back to the theater to see The Book of Eli (a movie I HIGHLY recommend.  I loved that movie.)

Monday morning we met my brother and his wife (who had just dropped their daughter off with my parents so that they could run away and hide for a week down in sunny Florida) for coffee, then went back to my parents’ house where we ate leftover chicken, salad, and some fruit.

There was a lot more to our weekend, but I won’t go into it here (heh).  It was beautiful, and wonderful, and I fell in love with my husband a million more times this weekend.

Thank you for your participation with my guest bloggers while we were gone.  Gregg and I really appreciate all of the time and work these ladies put into helping us out.

God bless you!


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