The other day, Kroger had butter on sale for $2.29 per pound. Gregg called me and said that the Aldi in Lexington had butter for $1.89 per pound as a regular, non-sale price. Aldi is a super discount grocery store. I told Gregg I didn’t necessarily know about getting butter from there. He stopped and bought one pound just for me to check it out.
Tag: Homemaking
My home has three levels – and I’m up and down two flights of stairs several times a day. I do not have the storage space on the main floor or on the top floor in which to store cleaning supplies, so I have a “Cleaning Kit” that I carry around with me.
Pin ItWelcome to Homemaking with Hallee — a weekly linky that will provide us with all sorts of homemaking tips!
The rules are simple. Link back to this post, and make it about homemaking and not promotion.
Pin ItThat is the plan as of now. If my daily schedule works (and we never know what will actually work until we implement it), then this will be easy to maintain. School starts for Kaylee the 9th of August, and for the boys, the 15th of August, so this may not actually kick into high gear until September (though my personal plan is to shoot for August).
Pin ItHowever, now that Gregg is home all the time, yet still busy with meetings and National Guard duty, now that Kaylee is on the volleyball team and a high school sophomore, and now that Scott and Johnathan will both be in school and active in different activities all year, I have discovered that a “year at a glance” just isn’t going to cut it anymore in organizing our family.
Pin ItBut then there’s this part of me that considers that on a normal day, I load, wash, and unload dishes into my dishwasher twice a day. I unload in the morning when I get up, and after lunch, it’s full and needs to be reloaded. I unload it during dinner prep, and re-load it after dinner.