Tag: Homemaking

Something About Me Most People Don’t Know

One thing about my personality that most people can pick up on within a short amount of time in meeting me is that I’m a very capable person. If I see a task, I figure out a way to accomplish it. I’m good at logic, I’m good at critical thinking, I’m good at math, and I have a tendency to take charge and lead. All of those things combine into one neat little capable package.


Storing Sheets

In the comments section on my Vlog of How to Fold a Fitted Sheet, one of the commenters talked about folding the pillow cases in with the fitted sheet. This got me thinking about an easy way to store sheet sets.


Staying on Schedule

You can make schedules all day long. The challenge comes in implementing the schedule. Here’s the way I’ve looked at it: I’ve thought about how a hired housekeeper for a large home is able to stay on task, keep it immaculate, and cook meals in the process. The answer is: she doesn’t play around on Facebook all day, she doesn’t watch television in the middle of the morning, she doesn’t read a murder mystery in the middle of the afternoon — the housekeeper clocks in at a certain time in the morning, performs the daily tasks as the job description requires, and leaves in the evening. When I worked, I was able to do my job efficiently and exceptionally because I worked – all day long, I worked. I had a schedule, I kept it.


I Don’t Do Chaos Well

When things around me are out of order, I feel out of order and lacking in control. Everything starts to slip. I can’t relax, I don’t feel like I’m capable of accomplishing even minor tasks, and I have way less patience than normal.


Spring Cleaning: A Room at a Time

If you look at your entire house, the thought of spring cleaning can be a little daunting. I mean, the thought of keeping it clean on a daily or weekly basis can be daunting, much less the extra work involved in a seasonal cleaning.

I find that the best way to do it is to take a room at a time. I may or may not do it all in one day or one weekend, but if I have a plan of action for each room, and I actually start working, then it will get done. Once one room is fully spring cleaned, I can’t wait to get to the next room and the next until I know my house is as clean and fresh as it can be.


Wives & Mommies Need a Day Off, Too

One of the things about being a homemaker – especially a homemaker with small children – ESPECIALLY a homemaker with small children and a husband 8,000 miles away (ahem) – is that there is never a break. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, we’re needed, wanted, touched, hung on to, cooking, cleaning, wiping noses, finding toys or shoes or softball gloves.


Big Boy Beds

The list is as long as my arm, but on the top was putting beds together. I wanted to get Kaylee into a full bed (her feet have started hanging over the end of her twin bed), and move the boys from toddler beds into twin beds. My dad spent Saturday morning putting beds together, then we spent Saturday afternoon trying desperately to figure out how to get them to fit in the bedroom.


10 Things Never to Say…

My friend Amy handed me a cut-out from Redbook magazine Sunday. A blogger was asked to come up with 10 things never to say to a stay-at-home-mom. I’m going to re-title this, because I loathe the term “stay-at-home-mom” – but everything else gets credited to Candy Kirby of thelaughingstork.com:


Cold Toes

I have a window above my kitchen sink.

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