My Cleaning Kit
My home has three levels – and I’m up and down two flights of stairs several times a day. I do not have the storage space on the main floor or on the top floor in which to store cleaning supplies, so I have a “Cleaning Kit” that I carry around with me.
I just restocked it with clean rags and steam mop pads, so I thought I’d take you on a journey through my cleaning kit.
The bag itself is a bag I got from 31 – it was “spend so much money and get this utility bag for $5” kind of deal. I didn’t even buy it with a specific plan in mind, but as soon as I got it, I knew for what I would be using it. It’s water-proof and really durable – the straps are strong. It also holds WAY more than you’d realize looking at it.
Inside, I keep:
Rags, dust cloths, sponges, and pads for my steam mop:
Brushes: small broom & dustpan, scrub brushes, small toothbrush-sized brushes:
Little accessories for my Dyson vacuum cleaner (though there are some that are much too big to carry around. I just collect those as I need them.)
Rubber gloves (a must for any cleaning kit):
And my window squeegy — I wouldn’t do windows without it:
Those are the accoutrements. As far as cleaning supplies goes I have a standard staple of a bleach water mix, an all purpose cleaning detergent mix,vinegar and water mix, furniture polish, essential lemon oil, Bon Ami scrub, a container of baking soda, and I just keep Goo Gone in the bag in case I come across something while working:
All of that packs neatly into my bag. The straps are long enough that I can sling it over my shoulder in case I have to carry a vacuum or steam mop with me while I’m traversing the house.
Do you have a cleaning kit? What do you put in it?
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Great idea to keep everything together in one little tote! Within the past few months, I’ve switched over to using water and essential oils for almost all of my cleaning. I love that any of the citrus oils are naturally anti-microbial/anti-bacterial. Plus, they smell so good! I’ve also started using a blend made by doTERRA called OnGuard. It is awesome at killing bacteria! I put a few drops in a tiny mister bottle filled with water and let my kids spray door knobs and surfaces to their little hearts’ content! I love your site Hallee!
Thank you so much!
No, I dont have one, but now I will. This is a fantastic idea, I dont have a big house, but it would be so much more convenient just to have this kind of stuff handy filled with stuff I generally use in cleaning all the time, all in one spot and portable. Love this idea, Thanks for sharing it. Have a great day.
Hi Hallee, I just arrived at your blog earlier this week. I’m finding your schedule very useful in customising mine a bit more. This kit idea is great too. Have a good weekend.
Thank you! I’m so glad you found me!
Hi, Hallee!!!
I love your cleaning kit. Super awesome. I learned a lot of helpful information today. I especially like the squeegee for windows. Will add! Clever use of 31 tote. They have such great items, don’t they?
I have a “kit”… so to speak. Rather than one kit that I tote around the house, I keep a kit locked in each bathroom, one in the laundry room, and one in the kitchen. The bathroom kits serve the bathrooms they are located in, plus the bedrooms nearest each. The one in the laundry room services the laundry room, foyer, living and dining rooms. The kitchen kit handles the kitchen, office, and family room.
I ended up doing it that way after having an incident when the kids were small with one of them running into me and knocking the kit out of my hands and things went flying everywhere. Sigh… bigger mess than I had intended to clean up that day. Oh, well. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but it did leave me in a place of wanting to minimize walking around with the kit. So, instead of one kit that I take every with me, I keep several in the aforementioned areas of the house. Basically it’s just a small set of cleaning supplies (paper towels, toothbrushes, vinegar in spray bottles, sponges, and dish soap: in a small plastic tub. Pretty much the only time I use a stronger cleaner (I keep a small bottle of disinfectant locked in my bathroom for when non-family members use our guest bath… well, I really don’t want else’s germs in my house, now do I? No, I don’t. It is also used whenever anyone in the family has been sick, which, thank God, is rare and far between).
Now that my kids are much older (since they’ve figured out that running through the house might not be such a good idea), moving from place to place with one kit would be a breeze, but alas, my situation has become habitual. LOL
I like the idea that you have separate cleaning things for each floor of your home. Thinking about it, this is probably something that I could do with as well, because I don’t like dragging things up and down the stairs when I need to use them. I think I should even buy another vacuum cleaner for the upstairs of the house, because they don’t cost all that much and it would save me lots of energy on an almost daily basis. Thank you for your tips, it looks like you have everything sorted out, and this makes cleaning seem much simpler!