An Actual Posting Schedule, a New Homemaking Schedule, & a LINKY Announcement!

As the third anniversary of my blog approaches, I’ve been making some plans for some changes.  I appreciate your patience with the current slowed down blogging schedule.  It will likely be like this for just a few more weeks, and then will get back up to daily posts.

Unlike the sporadic, anything goes style I’ve used for the last three years, I intend to begin categorizing my blogging days.  They’re going to be as follows:

Mondays: MENUS
Tuesdays: RECIPES: I have well over 200 cookbooks collecting dust on my shelves.  It’s time to put them to use!  It is my intent to have a new recipe every week on Menu Monday.  Because my menus are for the week coming up rather than the previous week, you’ll have to wait until the following Tuesday for the new recipe.
Wednesdays: LIFE: This can be for anything to do with life in general (i.e. the homoginzation of milk, making drastic changes in life to affect a toddler’s attitude, a regular exercise schedule, etc.).
Thursdays: I am SO excited about Thursdays!  I’m going to begin hosting a HOMEMAKING linky called “HOMEMAKING WITH HALLEE”.  This will actually go live in September.  I’ll post more about it and remind everyone about it again as the launch date approaches.
Fridays: FREE-FER  This is my potpourri day.  Maybe a frugal post, maybe another recipe, maybe some married conversation — this might be where a post will fit where it might not otherwise fit.
Saturdays: EDUCATION:  I may not have a post every single Saturday, but if I have one having to do with homeschooling (which I no longer do) or education, then I will post it then.
Sundays: Sundays will remain saved for Gregg to do CREATION posts.  I don’t know when his schedule will allow for it, as his civilian job is insane and his national guard duty takes so much of his free time away, but when he has time, that day is his.

That is the plan as of now.  If my daily schedule works (and we never know what will actually work until we implement it), then this will be easy to maintain.  School starts for Kaylee the 9th of August, and for the boys, the 15th of August, so this may not actually kick into high gear until September (though my personal plan is to shoot for August).

Here is a quick look at my new proposed homemaking schedule.  I intend to park my vehicle at the boys’ school and walk home (2 miles) then walk to get them in the afternoons (2 miles).  This will be replacing my morning 4-mile walk I’m currently enjoying.  Monday, Wednesday, Fridays are reserved for novel writing (Jeb will be in school) and Tuesdays, Thursdays are reserved for blog writing (Jeb will be home).  When it’s been tried and tested, I will officially post it and the chores/laundry list in the “My Schedule” tab.  The blank spaces are just that — non-scheduled time with the family.  This also does not accommodate the grueling volleyball schedule for Kaylee that will take us into the month of October (but unlike the grueling softball schedule of years past — Gregg is home!  I’m not alone!).

My daughter is beginning her 11th year of school and I’ve never said this before: I can’t wait for school to start.  Since the moment I was pregnant with Scott, I have planned on being a homeschooler.  It is strange how God has shifted my heart.  We have a phenomenal school affiliated with our church and inside of our church building.  Without that, I know we’d still be planning on homeschooling.  But, with that, I am looking at 6 hours of uninterrupted writing time three days a week.  I am anxious to get started and see what I can do with that.

If you have anything you’d like to see me post about, let me know! I loved last year’s question/answer for our anniversary, and may do the same thing again this year.


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